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*can i call you tonight by dayglow*

       The first few days of school  sort of flew by for Y/n. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday were all a blur of introductory assignments and corridors Y/n hadn't even known existed.  As for her classes, she greatly enjoyed all of them. Her teachers were kind and she had friends in almost every block period.  George would walk her to most of her classes. And she ate lunch with with Luna, on the stairs to Mrs. Trelawny's class. Or, with Fred, George, and Lee in the grand hall.
The only class that she absolutely dreaded was her study hall class. In this class, she sat in the library for an hour and a half whilst Ron sat on the other side the room with Neville, Seamus and Dean, trying miserably to ignore her. The idiot acted as if y/n didn't notice his staring. But nonetheless, y/n still longed to break the silence.

      Y/n sat at the very end of a long wooden table, putting together the playlist for tomorrow night. Taking out the songs that were too much, or too little, and trying to sense out an appropriate goldilocks zone. She was snapped out of her concentration by a booming snap of thunder. She jumped nearly out of her seat, knocking over her ink in the process. She sighed as the ink flowed over her the ancient wooden table. She looked up to see if anyone had noticed, scanning her eyes along the floating books, the pouring rain on the colossal windows, and to Ron, who was walking across the room, and towards the herbology aisle. He had his hands in the pockets of his uniform pants, but took one out to run it through his golden orange hair. 

      So on this day, when Ron got up and started towards the bookshelves, Y/n stood up from her wooden chair to follow. She could no longer sit and wait for someone to come to her, y/n had substance and she needed to take things into her own hands. She walked into the aisle next to herbology and watched his shadow in between the books on the shelves. So when she reached the end of the shelves, they were face to face, no one was around, and they had no choice but to talk.

"Bloody hell y/n, you scared me" Ron exclaimed, placing his muscular hand on the bookshelf. Y/n watch as his rings clinked with the hardwood.

"You gave me no choice Ronald." She said, "now just tell me what's going on"

"Well...it's not like I didn't want to talk to you, I just wanted to figure out how to say what I...want to say." Ron was a stuttering mess.

"Go on with it then"

"well I'm not really looking for a... a relationship right now and I really really like you but....I'm not sure of what I want and...I don't want to mess anything up, and I really really enjoy being just friends, but you're really beautiful" he had barely stumbled through his sentence. He fidgeted with the hem of his uniform shirt, and turned his rings around his fingers. It irked y/n that he refused to meet her eyes.

"Ron, sweet thing." she began to laugh

"what?" Ron said, confused, finally meeting her eyes.

"It's not like that, I want the exact thing you do...I think." She tried to hold her smile back, but failed.

"so like... are you saying- would friends with benefits work for you and I?" he whispered, "its ok, if not"

"yes that's what I'm saying" she placed her palm on the side of her cheek, her face blushing with relief that all of this was finally over.

   Ron looked around to double check that nobody was around. Removing his hand from the bookshelf to run his fingers through his hair again,

"I'm so relieved" he gushed, hugging her abruptly.

       He was much taller then y/n so when he wrapped his long arms around her shoulders, she stood on her tippy-toes. But, still she was left with her head buried in his chest. She quickly became hyperfixated at the sound of his heart beating, hard. And he moved one hand up to her head, tangling the rings on his fingers with her hair, deepening the hug.

"but don't you dare ever ignore me again" She said, pulling away to meet his glance.


    He extended his pinky finger out to meet hers, and they pinky swore to each other, listening to the pouring rain on the other side of the library wall. Ron, glancing upwards towards the sound, got an idea,

"do u wanna get outta here?" He asked

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