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She walked graciously. Then she stumbled and fell halfway, her silk clothing tearing all the way up to her derriere. Gasps! Tuts and whispering swarmed the spacious room of the Palace. Each and every noble person gasping at the debutante in pity, the sly mothers smirking with wicked joy. One less threat for their precious daughters.

Preying eyes, pierced through the back of my skull. If one's nerves were liquid form, the whole Palace would've been flooded with water. Nervous eyes glanced up towards the never-ending distance between Her Majesty and I. Mother's supporting hand laid upon my shoulder's as the announcer started walking towards us. "Lady Clermont and Marchioness Clermont of Brighton", he bellowed. Mother signaled to the maids to start carrying the train. The dress was rather tight. A little too tight for my liking.

All eyes were on me.

Head up high, shoulders rolled backward and with flawless posture,  I walked as I've never walked before. Slowly, confidently and majestically, I walked right before the Queen and her ladies in waiting. Whilst curtsying with the utmost perfection, my wavering eyes finally looked upon her face.

She beckoned me upwards and with a small smile remarked "Adequate."

Upon walking back I heard a little rip coming from the back of my dress.

My little legs tried to quicken the pace but the end of the hall was a mile away.

Mother looked over at me with worry as I clasped her hands tightly.

The tearing sound filled the whole room until my backside was on display for all of British society to see. I've never been so embarrassed.

As Mother and I walked back, sniggers and whispers filled the commodious room.

"Whoever is that girl"

"Oh my"

"Well that's the end of her life, she shall be unmarried for the rest of her life"

"Serves her right for trying to show off"

My mother hurriedly dragged me out of the hall.

Lola ClermontWhere stories live. Discover now