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Mother straightened her posture, as did I.
We were welcomed into the house by a dozen servants who removed our petticoats and hung them near our parasols.

"Elena Clermont!" Lady Chester rushed over to give Mother a warm hug."Oh It is a pleasure to be here Georgia . Your home really is splendid," she retorted.

I curtsied with a charming smile plastered over my face.

"Lola!" She greeted as she approached. "You are all grown up. My condolences. I am sure your little incident will be forgotten within a fortnight. The last time I saw you, you were just a little troublemaker." She exclaimed in awe.

I laughed politely in response .

" Come on in before all the refreshments are finished" she smiled warmly as she ushered us into the ballroom.

An array of colours captured my eyes the moment I entered the ballroom. Dresses of different sizes and materials occupied the crowded area. From flamboyant to the most simplest of frocks, each ballgown possessed its own unique charm. The men were smartly dressed in tailored tailcoats, bow-ties, and ironed top hats.

The ladies demonstrated a false display of decorum while the gentlemen displayed an aura of the perfect "gentleman".

The very reason I despised ballrooms.

Everyone was so pompous.

I mentally prepared myself for the fake smiles and snobby attitudes.

This was going to be a very long night.


"May you be so kind as to have this dance with me my Lady?" the gentleman bowed and held out his hand for me to accept.

This was the tenth dance I've had to endure so far. I was getting a little agitated but Mother told me that a proper lady must always accept a dance offered by  a gentleman.

The music started playing and we glided across the dance floor. The boy didn't really know how to dance and he kept stepping on my poor feet. When will this end? Gentleman my foot, not so gentle is he?

As soon as the music ended I escaped to the nearest refreshment table. Finally. I gobbled up a few sandwiches and nibbled on a few chocolates. Mother spotted me and gave me a look of disapproval.

Ladies weren't supposed to overeat during a ball.
Overeat my derrière. If I didn't eat I might end up fainting and that sure would be scandalous.

"Ah Lady Lola Clermont , what a pleasant surprise!" Marquess Chester bellowed. " you are looking quite exquisite this evening. There's someone very special I want to introduce to you. Henry-" he looked behind him "-Henry! Come over here, boy!"

A meek boy emerged from the shadows of the ballroom. He looked no younger than sixteen. his hair was plastered all over his face and he wore an expression of distress. He was a very shy creature. He kept his eyes glued to the mahogany floors of the ballroom while performing a low bow

"G-Good Evening m-my Lady I-I am Lord Ch-Chest-t-ter," he stuttered.

"Lovely to meet your acquaintance, and I Lady Clermont" I replied warmly.

"Ah yes darling? What is that? I'm coming!" Lord Chester's acting skills were as worse as a beggar's feet. He kept peaking at us as he trotted off to meet his "wife".


"Um yes -wwell-My father-no I-I would like t-to c-cour-court y-you my lad-lady," he squeaked with his eyes glued down to the floor.

How could I word this gently? I most certainly do NOT want to be courted by one of Lord Chester's slimy sons.

"We know very little of each other, I mean we are practically strangers," I exasperated.

I caught him staring towards the other end of the hall in the direction of a little servant girl serving some guests.

"yes B-bu-," His attention was fully on the girl, he didn't even look like he wished to be here. His eye twinkled as he longingly gazed at her.

"Let us be more direct. In all honesty , I don't wish to be courted by you. You are far pubescent for me and it's quite obvious who you really wish to court" I replied cheekily as I followed his gaze towards the servant girl with a suggestive wink.

His face turned blood red the second those vulgar words left my lips. He followed my gaze and then he looked up at me, completely mortified. " My lady how did you- You won't tell my father will you? Please don't tell my father. He's very keen on a possible courtship between us." he mumbled.

"Why?", I asked curiously.

"S-something do w-with debt and a l-large dowry."

I knew it! Cause who would want their son to be with me after the whole derriere incident.

"There certainly will be no courtship between us. You may inform him that I am being courted by another." I assured calmly.

He nodded his head vigorously, took one peculiar look at me, and ran off, almost like he was being chased by a ghost.

Ah, young love.

Something fell a little bit off. The ballroom was uneasily silent. No chatter or gossip could be heard.

I turned around in curiosity to see why there was a deafening silence. Maybe a Lady's dress ripped through the center ... or worse .. she came without one. That sure would be scandalous

Everyone was frozen in awe. They all looked like frozen statues They were all facing the direction of the door.

Me, being my curious self, needed to see what all this commotion was all about. I pushed through the crowd of statues in an attempt to get a glimpse of what my petite frame couldn't see.

I kept pushing past the squashed sea of flamboyant ballgowns and expensive tailcoats until I came towards the entrance of the hall.

And there He was.

Lola ClermontWhere stories live. Discover now