Swedish Satin

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"Oh my word dear sister you would not believe this"
"Believe what?", I queried
"Rumour has it that a girl flashed her derrière to the Her Majesty during her debut"

I stayed quiet. News travel fast.

"How was it?"
" It was alright"
"Just alright? That's it? Can you elaborate on that?
"It was nothing at all honestly,  I was just deemed adequate by the Queen herself"
"Eeeeq", she squealed and flung her arms around me. "I'm so proud of your"
"Then my dress tore open and displayed my derrière for the whole of British Society to view"

"It was you!", she gasped, "I'm so sorry dear sister," she said as she flung her arms towards me. " you shall be fine, it will be forgotten in a fortnight"

I hope so


"Um I actually do not know of the plan yet," I replied sheepishly.

"You are joking right?"

"O-of course I am joking, o-obviously I have a plan. Um, w-we I-you-I tell Mother you're feeling unwell. I mean you tell mother I am feeling unwell."

Clara gazed at me wearily" That plan doesn't sound very convincing. And since I am not even accompanying you and Mother, I doubt she shall believe it"

"It will work," I replied confidently.

It must. I daren't show my face after my ordeal.


"Shall we?" He smiled warmly as he clasped my petite hands into his. We walked along the sandy beach. " Do you trust me?" He whispered into my ear. "My Lady? My Lady?"

"My Lady?"

"Yes I trust you" I mumbled
"I trust you with my whole heart"

"Er My Lady, 'tis Alma."

I turned my head towards to the sound of the soft voice. That voice sounded familiar. Alma...Alma- wait ALMA? My body jerked up at the sudden realization of the owner's voice.

A glimpse of the morning sun displayed over the French glass windows. The fresh country breeze drifted into my chambers and slapped me wide awake. Ouch.

"Why must you always interrupt my dreams," I mumbled quietly in annoyance.

"Beg your pardon, My Lady?"

"Nothing, nothing. Send Ethel up to my chambers. I will be down in a few"

"My Lady are you not aware?"

"Aware of what?" I questioned

"Today is the day," she replied dramatically

Still muddled, I questioned "What day?"

"The day of ..the ball," she sang dreamily.


"Yes, your Mother was going to change her mind after the incident that occurred in Her Majesty's Palace but thought it rather rude to not attend"

The Ball.

"Yes, well-I-um- I am not feeling very well, in fact, I feel I little lightheaded." In a beat of a heart, I lunged onto the bed, pretended to lose consciousness, and sprawled myself onto the feathered mattress.

Alma isn't that bright so she should be fooled by this.

"B-but Miss, y-you were quite alright a minute ago.
I know it is not my place to say but the little incident will be forgotten about soon, Miss."

I doubt it. I shan't take the chances

"Aaarghh! Alma, please fetch Mother, I feel-AArrgh!" I cried out in false agony.

"Oh My lady I thought you were playi.. right away My Lady," she rushed out the doors in a flash of time.


My mother dashed towards me. "Lola,  what is the matter? Are you alright? Alma rushed to stables to inform me that you were shouting out in pain."

"Oh, Mother...I feel very-Arrgh my stomach! I feel very dizz-" I pretended to lose consciousness.

"I already know. You may be clever but your mother is most certainly more clever than yourself. Even if I'll have to drag you by the hair, you shall still attend this ball, you will no-"

"Wait what?" My mind swirled in confusion, I was very certain that this would work

Almost like she read my mind, she replied "You sister. Keep in mind of the shame you brought unto this family after that disastrous display shown to the Queen. You are just out into society and this season just began."

Easy my derriere. She couldn't even keep it a secret for at least a fortnight

"But Mother,"

"No buts. you are to attend the ball and that's that. There will be no more chatter of this, you must redeem yourself and this family. Your sister's fate is in your hands. Ethel will bring your ballgown up to your chambers." She left abruptly when Ethel entered my chambers with the ballgown in her palms.


The dress was a sight to see.

It was made of Swedish Satin and the hems and trimmings were made of French white lace. Its elegant train trailed behind it ever so gracefully and beneath it lay matching pumps.

Ethel insisted on helping me get dressed but I convinced her to let me try for once.

I quickly wore my chemise but it was a struggle to fit into the corset. After a few attempts, I managed to fit into it. Don't get me wrong, my body isn't perfectly shaped but I've learned and acquired the skill of confidence.

After putting on my ballgown, Ethel helped me to put on my white petticoat, styled my dark mane into wavy ringlets, and smeared a little bit of rouge on my rosy cheeks.

"Beautiful, my Lady" whispered Ethel in admiration.


"Alma keep the place in order while we are away!" Mother shouted as we entered the Brougham.

I successfully ignored my Mother throughout the whole journey.

I didn't so much as even look at her or breathe near her. I held my chin up high and looked out the window.

After a while, we arrived at a white country house. Although it wasn't as big as our Manor House, it was very large. There was an enormous marble statue positioned in the center of the freshly cut grass.

The coachman helped us get down from the Brougham and swiftly disappeared with it.

Lola ClermontWhere stories live. Discover now