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I brushed my hair while tears kept streaming from my eye's...I .. don't wanna do it I don't .....leaving him by my own will want me to hate myself and I do hate myself for lying to them...even though I say thousand times to myself "you did right ... rather then being eaten by guilt. just do this" but it's not helping iam felling more broke...

After I was done brushing my hair I wiped my tears from my sleves ....I put down my luggage on the ground picking it from bed ..."y/'s..okay- no it's not okay I can't do it ..why mom why !"

I tried to control' my tears as I went down to living room.. but there he was sitting ok the couch blankly looking at the floor.....can't she just come and take me ALREADY because if I talked to him I won't be able I leave him...

Suddenly the bell rang indicating ...she was here..the maids immediately open the doors as my nightmare entered ....

there she is who made me meet the Angel and now  taking her away from me..but...why am I even saying her angel..she did it for her..she is also like her...

I KEPT sitting on the couch...I wasn't even able to get up... because of yesterday night even though I tried to make myself understand she is the same but I can't it feels like it's not the truth iam thinking is...I don't wanna LEAVE her...

Y/n came and sat on the couch next to me as her mother sat on the couch too smiling widely...I kept looking down...what even I will do If I looked at her? Nothing...I can't even keep her..I again got fooled...I can't keep up I said with as much I can say not make them notice my shaking voice..but iam sure it did...

Jimin - ma'am the paper's are on the table just see it and take your daughter with you..

Y/M/N - ohh my soon not to be SON-IN-LAW isn't it too fast to go ... back.. taking my angel with me? atleast I should have dinner with you ! I didn't had DINNER with you once also ....

Jimin - iam sorry if you were not able to have dinner in my house but there is no food In my house..and I have a IMPORTANT meeting after these all things so please....

Y/M/N - oh are being rude even though you are saying politely you know? Still I forgive you..and I don't need to check it I can atleast trust you for this right?

She looked at me with a disgusting is y/n even her daughter...I didn't get say anything looking my front...

??..... POV :

Ommo it feels so good to see this scene..but it would have been more amazing if I would be at front but it's okay... atleast the thing I wish is happening....

??... - Mother-in-law Just do it Already why are you playing with my passions...

I said in the ear piece mic lowly.
She showed me hands moving it a means I should go now...ok mom !

I went near my car and good thing its a sound proof car..I roar out of the place with a big smile... SUCH A NICE DAY EVER !! KANG Y/N OR.. HMMM I  THINK LEE Y/N YES ITS MORE GOOD " YOU AGAIN GONNA BE MINE..."(SMIRK)


she stood up but I'm not able fells like this' home doens't want me to go...I also don't want to ... Tears started to weld up in my eyes..."y/n contol them it's the last time then it's over " Jimin LOOKED at my eyes directly standing up as he said with low voice that only I can hear as my mom checked her phone for something....

Jimin - You know you are too bad at lying your eyes just telling the truth and you...but it's okay I won't convince you now ...KANG ....Y/N ..

He looked at mom for a moment then directly went upstairs not saying her...

Y/M/N - aigoo y/n how did you live with him huh?he is so rude and cold .. aishh let's just LEAVE this place it's suffocating I here...

She went to the I slowly followed her last time looking at the house from outside SPECIALLY his room window which had curtain...I went inside the car...

"Everything is over y/n. Let's move forward.... let's... f-for-get him....."


We WENT inside the house .. first' time iam not happy to see dad ...from .coming home after a long time ...I took my luggage going inside my room directly but got stopped seeing someone unexpected too unexpected to be here..Momo?

She came  near me with a Smile hugging me tightly which is mainly not genuine at all !...she broke the hug saying...

Momo - aigoo my sister is back it's so good to see you !

I joined my eyebrows looking at her..then realised what she means mom did all this' so that she can get Jimin and she is my sister?

I looked at mom with tears in my eyes as she just smiled coming near me...

Y/M/N - aigoo you would be shock right y/n's okay I know you didn't met her at young age so how would you know you have sister'? Actually at short word's...she lived with her Grandma before in Busan you already know..and now she is back after being totally good in business and you know I won't make you divorce with Jimin but he was already her boyfriend Before...-


I shouted at her then looked at momo

Y/n - were the one who did it huh? The moment' mom said she loves you more I should have understood.... don't you know Jimin don't love you anymore!? Then why?

Momo - see iam being polite with you y/n as you are my young sister'....and ACTUALLY not only iam the one who wants this marrige to be broken someoen else too so don't blame me...and don't worry Jimin also not love you anymore after what you did to him...

Y/n - he will always love me and I will too! And who are you talking about huh?

Momo - see you came today only in home don't make a fuss and just go or-

Y/n - or ! Or what !??

She was gonna slap me but suddenly a voice spOKE I MEAN SHOUT....

??...- yahh DON'T YOU DARE you !

from behind making her stop giving all attention to him before I would look at him I LOOKED at her who looked terrified on seeing she LOOKED down...I looked at the person and ..he was ......why is he back?...

TOTAL words - 1234

Pls don't take this STORY seriously on your life it's far away from reality sorry if it's rude but it's truth and yes no character are really like this in real life ....

Guys at last one more thing plss ignore my grammar mistakes ... Because I hate my keyboard love you all!💜

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