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I was doing work in my cabin When Elie came Inside without  knocking...aish... this' girl...

She LOOKED at me with a Smile..but I raised my one  eyebrow on her relaxing back on my I said...

Jimin - Elie I do told you to be freely with me but at least come while knocking...hmm?

She waved her hand a bit with a chuckle as she said ...

Elie - oppa I told you don't ask me things which I already reject ...ok? See I am living in your house Since y/n unnie left till now did I ever knock Before coming in your room...?

Jimin - it's okay in home but in Office you should be mannered...

She rolled her eyes with a pout saying...

Elie - oppa come on let me say what I came for ...( I sign in defeat as she spoke) so I wanted to say that ( I could she had nervousness on her face I tilted my head waiting for her to speak as she spoke...) Mrs.kang is here...

I smiled widely on hearing her name as I said Elie to let her in ..she was a bit surprised  on I didn't got sad or anything on her little sister you don't know many things...

Jimin - listen Elie do one more thing tell Mr.min also to come here fast I already told him but remind him for once...

She nodded her head as she left the door opened y/n ENTERED with a blank face.... If I can express how  much I miss when she would Smile while being near me..but now it's not like that...or maybe even after tommorow too...

I sign lightly brushing of my taughts as she sat infront of me I SMILED a Little at her but she just spoke not EVEN returning me the smile... though it hurted I shrugged it off listening to her..

Y/n - Mr.park will you tell me the reason now..

My Smile never leaved my lips how can it? When my wife is INFRONT of me I spoke..

Jimin - just wait a moment someoen else is also coming...

She knitted her I just smiled at her....

It was complete silence NEITHER of us was saying anything...I wanted to break the silence.... I was gonna SPEAK but the door opened revealing Suga hyung...I LOOKED at him irritated as his smile faded AWAY seeing my expression ..he sat beside y/n on the chair looking confused at me...I GLARED at him ....

Suga - yah didn't you called me then why are you glaring at me now ..When i am already here?

Jimin - Is it crime to knock..?

He just rolled his eyes as y/n chuckled lowly but easy to hear...

I moved my gaze to her saying.......

Jimin - no need to chuckle you also didn't knock on the door Before coming...

She scoffed at me in disbelief saying...

Y/n - are you blind? Why would I knock when door was already opened?

Jimin - door was half closed for your information...

Suga - yah both of you why are fighting on small thing Jimin just tell the reason for calling...

I signed as I LOOKED at both of them saying...

Jimin - so the reason for calling you both here is...


jk , Elie and I are peeping through the small space between the door listening to what they are TALKING..... Elie is looking from upwards basically me form down between jk is looking and upwards Elie we are on each other...all workers were looking at us while bowing and with WIERD face....but it's not important for us RIGHT now...why didn't they even called us !!

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