chapter -23 ( KID....? )

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Why I have to be with this  Little devil right now only !  ... He even broke my precious lipstick aish !!   I Miss sira  so much!! She is  much more better  in this. Then me but because of her fault  only iam  here now  .....

Y/n - aishhh !!!! Leo stop it sit down please !! Yahhh don't break it ....nooo....siraaaa please come fast !!

I sat on the chair again with a deep irritating sign and let him do what he want iam fed up with this kid  !

Oh sorry you all would be confused on what's going on.. actually if you remember sira have a cousin and on Monday she babysit it ... But unfortunately she got some  urgent work to do in office so she begged and leave me with this kid to babysit and now he is making me feel cry soo annoying I would never ever have a child!!


About the business trip it's postponed to next week because of bad weather yesterday ... But it's good I don't wanna go with him anywhere... I mean I want to but this is totally different ...let's just focus on this kid right now ... Aishh that's my fav perfume no !  And now It got finished in a minute great kid ... I will take revenge from your aunt for sure ... Today I took a day off by saying iam sick and Jimin believed it too WEIRD but I don't care .. but who knew  I would have been back stabbed by my own best'friend.... suddenly I got. A call from sira ..I swiped the screen up to reply..  before she could say I shouted

Y/n - yahhh no don't use that its my favourite dress nooo !! My dreess

But it was already late now  he painted my dress with my nail polish I  sat on chair sadly ...

Sira - oh! Umm.. y/n so how is it going are you okay with him..

Y/n ,- are you deaf didn't you hear ? Iam planing your murder!!

Sira - aish I said sorry right ?!! Iam sorrrrryyy forgive me ... I will be there till 5 afternoon just 3 hours more please you can do it ok !bye

Before I could say anything she cut the call .... I .. have to be with him for 3 more Hour's.... already 2 hour's gone and it  was like my death aish !!

After half hours' he slept thank god he is silent now ... I got very tired  too after cleaning  all the mess made by this little devil and slept near him on bed finally peace...


I woke up opening my eye's and saw no leo beside me .... I stared at the spot leo slept and after some moment's realisation hit me I widened my eyes and ran everywhere in house to find him but he was nowhere to be found I got worried I went outside but heard voice of kid laughing ... Wait ! He could be there I ran to garden to see Jimin playing with leo ... Shit why he have to be here... wait did he came in my room or leo went downstairs... I nervously went towards him and sat near leo on grass basically that's what I wanted.. as leo was sitting on jimin's lap so I had to sit near him... He looked at me with a smile but it immediately fade away when he saw it's  me ..  he looked at me with his cold eyes ... Why ... It doesn't fells good.  

Jimin - what are you doing here?

Y/n - I came to take leo ..( I looked at leo and said ) leo ! Come on let's go hm? Sira aunty is waiting for us right,?

But he didn't budge RATHER he sticks more close to him ..aish I looked at him and saw him smirking at me ..I greeted my teeth as by saying AGAIN to leo

Y/n- leo aren't  you gonna come ? Iam going to get icecream now rather then going  aunty house ..bye then be with him !

I turned back started to go but then felt a tug on hem of my t-shirt  I looked down to see him smiling at me aw ! I looked behind to Jimin and smirked at him but it soon faded by SEEING him doing the same .,,.now I was the one frowning ...

Jimin - leo should we go now  y/n unnie will leave us  won't she?

I dropped my mouth as  if it's even possible it would have been touching the ground ...did he call me unnie ..! I stared at him still with jaw dropped when he came near me and closed my mouth winking at me going near  car with  leo . ... with my poker face I looked at the time In Phone. It's was 4 hmm ..  it's still 1 hour for her to come .. ok then .le-

Jimin - yahh. Are you gonna come or not !?

I came out of my  taughts because of his shouting and went to sit at passenger seat .... leo sitting  back seat .... As we drove off  to ice cream shop ...we entered a ice cream parlour ... I took chocolate chip Jimin took strawberry icecream and leo took cream and chocolate flavour... we sat on bench with our icecream it was silent when leo said ... ( Aunty)I looked at his doe eyes and said ( yes..leo?) He then looked at Jimin who was  already looking at him... Confused like me when suddenly he spoke ..

Leo - aunty , uncle? Where is your kid I wanna play with him!! Iam getting bored.....

We both widened our eyes at same time and looked at each other .... when our eyes met we suddenly broke those awkward  eye's contact ... It was awkward silent for a moment ,...while we were  eating Icecream he suddenly said

Jimin - hmm...,you want a kid to play with you,?( The kid nodded excitedly ) so...( I kept looking at him when he looked at me with one  raised eyebrow...I immediately looked another side showing like iam not interested in there talks. . ) let me be a kid for you? Is it okayy?

Leo - what ! Uncle will you really, ? Ok then let's go !!

He  quickly gave me his and Jimin's icecream taking his hand dragging him too playground . .... They LOOKED so cute together while playing ......

I was lying in my room on bed .. when I heard a loud thud.   I think a mai- no wait last time it happened he was cooking this time too? I went out of room to hear the sound but this time from jimin room I went near his room knocking the door but no response I knocked again but still same so I peaked inside and saw two pair's of foots corner of bed I ran to see Jimin lying on the floor sleeping peacefully so that's how loud thud came. .. he just *ucking ! Fall of the bed on hard wood floor and still sleeping comfortably  .... Is he even human ! I Crouched down to him thinking how to wake him up when  suddenly I got a Idea... last time he scared me near lift till death  now  it's my turn I smirked and shouted near his ear ...


He suddenly open wide his eyes sat up SEEING here and there while screaming

And finally when he saw me I was laughing my ass off !! He looked soooo  funny !! I wishhh you all would have saw that face ...I still kept laughing rolling from left to right when he suddenly hovered above me I shut my mouth looking at him with wide plate eye's ! Now he was the one smirking at me now  ...he suddenly started to get close to me ... His LIPS were inches away from mine like If he moves. A bit our lips would touch I closed my eyes shut tightly when I felt his voice near my ear his breath hitting me his Smell hitting my nose. ... I was freaking out ! When he suddenly spoke... More like whisper....

Jimin -y/n .... You know .  ...I .. always wanted to tell you... That ( I could feel him getting away from my body his touch GOING light on my body his smell going away from mine) YOUAREUGLY!

I opened my eyes quickly to see him already out of room ... This Jerk !! how dare he !  I stood up and ran after him

Y/n  - I will kill you Jimin how dare you call me ugly !!!!

I was chasing him while he was STILL laughing but  suddenly stood still ...caused me to bumped into his back.. he  turned back looking at me with serious gaze and ....

Total words - 1496

Pls don't take this STORY seriously on your life it's far away from reality sorry if it's rude but it's truth and yes no character are really like this in real life ....

Guys at last one more thing plss ignore my grammar mistakes ... Because I hate my keyboard love you all!💜

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