Chapter 14- Getting Caught

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I was on my way to dinner with Hermione when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into the library. It was pitch black and I couldn't see who it was I was going to scream but they covered my mouth before I could say anything. As we approached a window I could see it was Draco, who was laughing profusely at my attempts to escape.

"Draco you arse!" I gave him a couple more swings on the shoulder.

"Y/n relax! No need to be dramatic, I just wanted to see you before you head off to see the mudblood"


"muggle-born. Habits die hard and all that.... wanna make out behind the bookshelves?"

"No!" he attempted to give me puppy dog eyes but I wouldn't look at him. "Draco I am going to be late, I am nervous enough as it is."

"C'mon love" he traced his fingers along my jawline to get me to look up at him and gave me a small kiss, "Hermione wouldn't mind you running a few minutes late"

"Yeah I suppose your right." to be honest it would be kind of hot, and would help calm my nerves.

"Right this way" he grabbed my arm again and led me to an area of book shelves that were secluded from all the others. There was a long table in the middle of the bookshelves. Draco looked a little too excited, probably because we haven't seen each other for a couple days with Mione always hanging around and desperately trying to avoid Ron's teasing looks in class when me and Draco are looking at each other. 

After some rushed and sloppy kissing he had my laying on my back a top of the table. His hands were getting a little careless getting to high or too low, not intentional but his emotions getting out of control. I would remind him by gently pushing his hands back down to my waist, which he would grab tighter. He was more needy now, very lustful. I tried to contain moaning just in case somebody else was in the library as well. Draco being the smartarse he his, started biting and sucking right at the soft spot on my neck getting me to let out a moaning "Draco...". 

Right as thing were getting hotter and heavier, I could've sworn I heard someone enter the library. "Draco did you hear that?"

"No I am focusing on you..."

"Y/n? Who is tha-- no no no no. DRACO?" 

Sh*t. Hermione, and Ron standing right behind her. 

Draco got off of me mumbling curses. I couldn't even think of anything to say. Ron taking after his older brother tried to diffuse the tension. "Well, they could both do worse right?"

"Shut it Ron." we all said simultaneously. 

Hermione took a deep breath and opened her mouth like she was about to say something but then turned around and walked out. I buttoned up my shirt, wondering how it even got unbuttoned in the first place. "Mione wait!" she kept going obviously hearing me. "Please Mione you have to let me talk to you about this."

"I know I just don't know what to say. I am obviously going to talk to you, but I don't wanna say something I will regret."

"Can you tell me if you are mad?"

"No I can't, I don't know y/n"


"I'll talk to you later I just need a minute." she briskly walked away back down the hallway. As I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was right on the verge of tears, I can't believe that just happened. I wanted to blame Draco but it was also my fault for not telling her sooner. I turned around and started sobbing right in Draco's chest as he started rubbing my back. Ron was saying something about how to give her time and it will be alright. 

"Weasley, what was Hermione doing in the library with you?" Draco practically yelled at him. This actually got me to stop crying and turn to look at Ron.

"Ron? Are you and Mione-"

"No! We were just coming into the library upon your request. If you didn't wanna get caught then why did you ask us to meet you here before dinner? I mean I didn't expect this, I thought you were going to tell her, not give her a whole demonstration-"

"Ron I didn't send you any letter! Draco?"

"No I am just as confused as you are. So somebody wanted us to get caught but I didn't tell anyone but Blaise about surprising you in the library."

We all stood thinking, Blaise wouldn't do that he is Draco's best friend. It could've been Pansy, if she found out from him. Seamus has the most motive, trying to break us up but he didn't really know I was dating Draco to the extent of my knowledge. I guess Draco could, but he wouldn't do that to me just so we would stop hiding our relationship. 

"Draco, I am going back to my dorm. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I am just going to wait and see if Hermione will talk to me again, she might call or send an owl. Bye Ron."

"Bye Y/n. So sorry if I knew you didn't send it-"

"No Ron it's fine." I gave Draco a kiss on the cheek and he wiped off the remainder of tears on my face, kissing my forehead.

Ron was shocked of how Draco was being to me and had his jaw open but a quick glare from Draco closed his mouth quickly. 

He touched my heart, not my boob, and whispered "Princess don't get too worked up, get some sleep. Promise."

"I promise I'll try" I left to go to my dorm holding back tears until I finally got into bed. I covered my face with my pillow just in case dorm walls were thin enough to hear sobbing. About an hour into crying and eating chocolate I heard a knock at my door. 

A/N- 999 words, that makes me happy idk why. I was looking at the total number of reads and I couldn't believe I have over 100. Like seriously so grateful for all of you. I also welcome comments about literally anything. 50% of the time when I am reading wattpad I am reading comments.

I also am having a Weasley twins thing going on right now. So when I get back from Paris I will have better story writing skills for Draco. 

The Bisexual Anthem is at the top of the page because it is the song I write to. Like, the power the song hold is phenomenal. 

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