Chapter 6- The Bet

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After going back to my dorm I realized I was still wearing his sweatshirt, I quickly changed and put his sweatshirt neatly in my dresser to meet up with Hermione. She was sitting eating breakfast, Ron and Harry as well.

"So where were you after the party? We all saw Draco storm out with you over his shoulder and we couldn't find you afterwords"

"Oh-" I couldn't come up with a lie fast enough, but then again did I really need to lie? It was really innocent, other than the part that I saw him with his shirt off getting ready in the morning. That was a nice thing to think about... shoot wait I have to answer the question. "Draco couldn't remember where my room was so we went back to his dorm and he let me sleep there"

They all stared wide eyed at me, "Come on guys it was nothing, back me up Potter you know I wouldn't do anything."

"Well for one thing Y/N you are starting to sound like him, you just called me by my last name. And, after your ex boyfriend Seamus convinced you to get drunk, who knows what you did. Or should I say who?"

"I forgot Seamus was there, I can't believe he is still hung up on me and we only went out that one time and we stopped afterwords because he was telling the whole school he snogged the quiet Slytherin snake."

Ron chirped in with his mouth full of pancakes,"You know after you left with Draco to go snog"

"We didn't snog"

"Sure you didn't"

"We didn't"

"Whatever, Seamus threw an angry drunk rage and broke a bottle. I think he is jealous of Malfoy"

The other two nodded in agreement while I was unimpressed, I wasn't scared of Seamus besides Malfoy could take him. 

All this talking about boys when I remembered about me and Draco's deal and how he never told me what Pansy is scared of. I took a piece of toast and quickly excused myself from the table to go find Draco. I was wandering in halls when I bumped into F/N. I dropped by book and looked up at her.

"Oh shoot I am so sorry, wait Y/N is that you?"

I looked at her scared for a second of how she might react because we hadn't since the beginning of the school year. But I knew I was worried for nothing when she dropped everything and hugged me while squealing and jumping up and down. 

"I have so much to tell you" we both said at the same time.

She spoke first, "I am so sorry I have been training non stop because I was thinking about playing quidditch this year. I wanted to let you know I really like your hair it is so much more... you" That made me happy to hear, she was the only person who really got me and knew what I was thinking and feeling even before I did. I needed to tell her about everything that has happened with Draco and Pansy and our whole deal so I could get some advice about how I am feeling. 

After telling her her mouth fell wide open, "What some girls would give to be in your shoes in astonishing. I for one think he is hot enough for you which is almost impossible since you are perfect" I giggled at her flattering me and boosting my confidence as she always does while giving her a punch on the arm,"But I think the teasing and stuff when you had to clean up Snapes room was.... wow. I think he teases you to see who will give in first. I bet you could get him to give in first."

"A bet?" suddenly Draco turned the corner. "What are we betting on?"

I punched my friend cueing her to speak first but she much like the rest of the student population was scared of Draco. I couldn't see why, he is a much bigger softy than they see. Since she was starstruck, I stepped in. "Well she thinks that all this teasing is so I will give in to kissing you so you don;t have to make the first move."

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