A Calming Walk

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A/N: So this is another story that I have had in progress and am just now moving over. My updates are sporadic( I apologize) but they will not go forever, I promise. I hope you enjoy what we have so far! Cheers!

Chapter 1

Sebastian had already settled the young master in for sleep and taken care that Lau and Madam Red would not be disturbed or disturb anyone. The three bumbling, ahem, helpful servants were fast asleep as well. Typically, this would be when his duties as the Phantomhive butler would actually start, but he needed a few moments to himself first.

He didn't leave his master's side often, but he didn't plan to go far. Since they were in London, it would not take him long to find what he was looking for. The one thing he could always count on to soothe his aggravation without fail.

He slipped out the back entrance from the kitchen and headed to the nearest alley. He didn't have to wait long until he heard the dulcet tones he had been hoping for. He turned the corner and found her, the one he had been searching for. Her hair was the darkest black and her eyes a shocking blue. He was instantly kneeling in front of her. His speed took her by surprise, and she arched her back before hissing at him.

He ignored it and quickly scooped her up. He gently rubbed the pad of her paw before he pressed lightly against it, causing her claws to extend. He cooed at the sight of her razor-sharp nails, even as those same talons traced red lines across his cheek as soon as he released her. She started struggling in his arms, and even though he knew she was trying to get away, he could not bring himself to let her go yet.

He brought her close to his face and smiled. "What lovely eyes. I don't think I have ever seen another black cat with blue eyes. Such soft, thick fur as well. You have taken great care of it for being out in the weather." The cat's only response was to hiss again and try to twist from his hands. Had he been anyone else, he might have dropped her. Sebastian merely smiled at her efforts.

In the next moment, he was taken by surprise when shadows started to coalesce around the tiny form in his hands. It was unlike anything he had ever seen or felt before. It didn't feel like one of his own kind, that was certain.

It was only a matter of moments later that the shadows disbursed, and instead of a lovely black cat, he was holding onto a petite woman with raven hair that tumbled down, hiding most of her top half from sight. Her piercing blue eyes were narrowed at him. He wasn't often shocked, but he was so surprised by the unexpected transformation that he didn't let her go until she spoke.

"Release me. Now."

Ever the gentleman, or at least pretending to be, Sebastian immediately set the female on her feet. His hands only moved from her sides to her shoulders, though. When she glared up at him, he merely smiled back down. "That was quite the impressive act. I would love to know the secret behind it."

His immaculate brow raised when he heard a low growl, but the woman's face quickly cleared, and her shoulders stiffened. "I owe nothing to the likes of you. You will release me now, demon."

Had Sebastian not had many, many years of practice, his shock might have shown. He could tell by scent alone that this woman was no demon. Nor was she entirely human. She was, however, not like anything else that he had ever encountered before. Her recognition of him made the situation even more tenuous.

He managed to give her a smile that never reached his eyes. "Dear lady, I believe that is quite the rude appellation to attach to someone you have just met, don't you?"

When she realized he had no plans to let her go, she started to struggle against his grip. He was surprised to find that she was much stronger than her small frame would imply, but not nearly as strong as he. It was not long until he had her arms pinned to her sides and her back to his chest. The smile that flashed across his face was far more pleased and far less gentlemanly than his previous one.

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