What a Party

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Chapter 5

Later that evening, Madame Red's carriage arrived, holding far more people than it usually would have. She alit with the help of Lau. Most of the people watching weren't sure if he was her escort or her servant, though it wasn't important enough for any of them to find out. After that came her niece from the country and the girl's best friend from a neighboring family. They always traveled together. They were assisted by their tutor, who was also traveling with them.

Once they were inside, Madame Red barely took the time to show them the entrance before she shot off. Ciel had not even noticed she was gone at first. He was looking around nervously as he began to realize there might be others there that could possibly be problematic. He turned to Sebastian with a slight frown. "I am ready to leave already. This dress is heavy, my feet hurt, and I do not want my fiancé to see me like this."

Sebastian's eyes widened slightly, but he smiled and gestured toward the entranceway. "This way, ladies."

Ciel frowned again. At that point, Lucienne stepped forward and placed her arm through his. He glared at her, but she tutted. It was a liberty she would not normally have taken, but it would be expected if they were portraying best friends. If there was one thing she had learned through the years, it was to be adaptable. Survival was dependant on it.

She smiled genially down at the shorter 'girl.' "Mon amie, why don't we mingle for a moment and see if we can find our host. It would be nice to thank him for the wonderful invitation, no?

Ciel was so shocked by her nonplussed attitude that he allowed her to pull him into the room, with Sebastian following after. Their 'tutor' was barely able to conceal his smirk at the way the girl had handled that. For having such a quick wit under typically dire circumstances, Ciel was often thrown off guard when people acted unexpectedly.

It was only a few moments later when both males froze. Lucienne frowned at them but did not get to ask what was going on before Sebastian escorted them across the room. She heard a girl's voice trailing behind them and looked curiously as Ciel shuddered visibly.

She nearly jumped and glared at Sebastian when he leaned a little closer and whispered. "That was the Young Master's fiancé, the Lady Elizabeth. We must not be seen by her."

Lucienne's eyes widened slightly, and she nodded in understanding. If they were seen, the young woman would undoubtedly be able to recognize them despite the disguises. That would put the Earl in an awkward position, to say the least.

While Sebastian had been explaining, Ciel had found the Viscount. Unfortunately, Lady Elizabeth had found them again as well. She made to intercept them, and Ciel ordered Sebastian to keep her from seeing them. Lucienne had to repress a shiver as he bowed and smiled. His words and actions were subservient, but there was something in his eyes that was nearly mocking. If Ciel saw it as well, it did not bother him.

The boy turned quickly to find the Viscount again and nearly growled in frustration as the man had disappeared. Their attention was drawn as Sebastian started making a spectacle with a cabinet and a sword. He asked for a volunteer but pulled Lau from the crowd. Before Lau got far, they were shocked by the presence of Viscount Druitt.

He seemed to appear out of nowhere, and he smiled at the two of them. "Such lovely ladies, but you both look lost. Where are your escorts? Who did you come with?"

Ciel seemed to stumble for a moment but recovered quickly enough. He smiled brightly enough that Lucienne almost gave him a shocked look as he spoke. "We came with my aunt, Madame Red."

The Viscount smiled again. "Then I hope you are enjoying the party."

Ciel seemed to stumble once again, and Lucienne noticed his cheeks turning slightly red. She felt sorry for him. This could not be easy. It would not have been easy for a girl his age, and doubly so for a boy. She looked up through her lashes and flashed a soft smile at the Viscount before she leaned down and whispered. She didn't hide her actions, but she did it so that it would seem one friend confiding a secret wish to another. "Please, follow my lead."

Ciel wanted to object. He didn't know this woman, but he wasn't given a chance to before she looked over at the Viscount again with that same soft smile. She allowed her native accent to shine a little more as she finally spoke to him. "Oui, Viscount, it is a lovely party, to be sure, but so far, it is the same as many others. We had heard you might have more to offer."

The man put his hand to his heart dramatically, as though he had been shot. He held the other out to them. "Ah, my lost little robin and my little turtledove, are you truly interested in experiencing other pleasures?"

Ciel blushed harder as the Viscount stepped between them and put a hand on each of their waists, but he reminded himself that he had already endured much to get to this point. He was not about to give up yet. He looked over at Lucienne to see she was still wearing a shy smile. He felt his mouth fall open slightly in shock and wondered what it would take to faze the woman.

Ciel managed to recover quickly enough to answer the question. "Would the Vicount be knowledgeable of these other pleasurable things then?"

The man gave their waists a squeeze and smiled at them both. "Of course. Ah, to be so lucky as to entertain both of you. Your cries would be like the sweetest music."

Ciel's eyes widened, and he thought he saw Lucienne frown for a split second before a bit of color finally found its way into her cheeks. Druitt was looking between them with a sly smile before he turned to Ciel. "My lovely robin, it might yet be too early for you, though it would be a shame to break up such a precious pair."

At his words, Lucienne reached out and grabbed Ciel's hand. "Non monsieur, please, though I may be a little older, we are inseparable."

Ciel had nearly jumped at her sudden actions, but he also realized the distraction that Sebastian was providing would not last must longer. They needed to get away while they could. He wrapped his arm in Lucienne's like she had when they first arrived and tried to match the smile she was giving the man. "Please, the entertainments have become uncultured. Surely a man of your stature must have something better to offer."

The Viscount chuckled as he looked between the two 'girls.' "You are quite the stubborn ones, aren't you?"

Ciel took a nervous step closer, and Druitt's eyes flashed once before he stepped toward a curtain. When he lifted it, it revealed a door into a different hallway. The two followed into the much quieter space. It was only a few moments afterward that there was much applause and cheering from the other room. They all looked back, and Ciel frowned. "The crowd seems to have enjoyed the show, at least." He wondered what in the world Sebastian had been up to.

The Viscount chuckled. "Where we are going, the entertainment will be even better, worry not."

It was a quiet walk, but not a long one before they got to a new door, and the man opened it for the 'girls' to enter. Once they stepped inside, Lucienne immediately tensed. Something felt off. Beside her, she felt Ciel swaying and heard him whisper something under his breath. "There is a strange sweet smell here. How fragrant."

At those words, her eyes widened. Her head shot up, and she saw the Viscount smiling at them both. "That's right. This is a good place, my little birds."

Lucienne could already feel her head swimming. Her first instinct was to push past the smiling man and run to one of the windows. She knew that she could have made it too, even with the drugged air in her system. If she could make it to fresh air, she would be fine in no time. Before she could move, Ciel slumped against her.

She looked down at the unconscious boy and knew they were both in trouble. She could not leave him. She pulled him further into her arms, but it was a lost cause as she felt her legs give way under her as well. She looked up into the surprised eyes of the Viscount as he leaned over and brushed his knuckles across her cheek. "Such a strong turtledove. Unexpected and beautiful."

He chuckled and stood. Those were the last words she heard as the man stepped away. She felt bitterness take her as she realized their last hope may be the demon that was tied to the boy. She only hoped his interest in her extended far enough to at least give her a chance to save herself. Her last words reflected that bitterness as the blackness claimed her. "Zut alors."

A/N: So I do have several more chapters, but I need to edit them before I can get them up. I will try to get them in the next few days, but I hope you like it so far! Thanks for reading!

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