That's What You Get

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Chapter 6 

Lucienne woke with a groan, but it did not take her long to realize her circumstances. Despite her hands and feet being tied, she was able to sit up quickly. Her eyes were covered, but she could hear many people around her. Thankfully, none of them sounded like they were right next to her.

She managed to push her panic down and focus on figuring out where she was. Whoever had tied her must not have thought to do a proper job, as her hands were in front of her. It allowed her to lift the blindfold, though that didn't do her much good. All it did was show that she was in a small cage covered in a silken sheet.

She swallowed a growl of frustration and instead tried to see if she could pick out Ciel's scent anywhere nearby. Since they had been taken together, she hoped they were still close. She was relieved to find he was within a couple of feet. She leaned down and tried to lift the edge of the sheet to peek out. What she saw was another covered cage. That wasn't surprising, but it worried her that there was no sound coming from it. She kept her voice low as she called out. "Ciel, Ciel!"

She was gratified to hear a groan and a low voice finally respond. "Lucienne?"

She took a deep breath, and her ears twitched as she made sure no one had come closer. "Shh. I don't know where we are yet. Are you hurt? Can you move?"

She heard another groan and the rustle of silk, but before either of them could say anything, they heard footsteps nearby. Lucienne jerked upright and nearly growled when she heard the voice of the Viscount.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please quieten down. Now is the time you have all been anticipating. Please look carefully." With that, both silken sheets were jerked off the two cages, and Lucienne had to blink a few times to adjust to the sudden light. She was frowning out at the crowd before she looked over to see Ciel was trussed up just as she was.

It made no difference as the Viscount had already continued. "As you can see, I have found two delectable samples tonight. You can choose to keep them in the cages, or you can take them out and play with them at your leisure. They would be perfect for ceremonies, or even to have parts sold bit by bit. Whatever the customer prefers. I have been told they are inseparable, so that is something to keep in mind when bidding, but do not let that stop you from only wanting one."

Druitt then walked to Lucienne's cage and smirked when he saw she had already removed her blindfold. When he turned out to the crowd, he continued as if he had not caught her eye. "As you can see, these are both rare and hard to get items."

He ignored the growl coming from the cage next to him. "This one comes from the fields of France. Look at the fire in her eyes. Think of what it would be to douse it. And the other. Her eyes are the color of the sea, and yet they have a deep contrasting color of the forest."

He paused long enough for a masked woman to take the blindfold from Ciel as well before he turned back to the crowd with a sweeping gesture. "Now then, we will start bidding for the first one at £1000."

Several people called out over each other as the bids raised. Even with the voices calling over one another, Lucienne still heard Ciel's calm tone next to her. She looked over to see him looking straight ahead. "Sebastian. I am here."

As soon as the words left the boy's mouth, the candles all blew out, and the room was drenched in darkness. Frightened shouts rang out louder than the bids had, and the voice of the Viscount could be heard. "What happened?"

That was the last sound heard besides more screams and thuds across the room. Although Ciel could not see, Lucienne could tell he was not afraid. She sniffed at his reasoning before she turned back out to watch the butler flashing around the room. It was only moments later that the candles flared back to life, and the demon stood there staring down at the two cages with a shake of his head.

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