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"i said THE FUCKING DOOR IS LOCKED." taeyong said.
"YES I HEARD YOU IDIOT." the boy answered with the same voice tone.
"well now we can get to know each other!" taeyong smiled pretending that nothing happened.
"why do you want to get to know me? you have your friends and you're popular, you don't need to know about me. just stop." the boy started walking to where he initially was, but taeyong grabbed his wrist.
"can you at least tell me your name? i will tell you about me!" the last thing taeyong could lose was hope.
"chittaphon is my name, but you can call me ten. and i know things about you taeyong, people have mouths and facts about you. and i thought you were smart enough."
"well not all things that spread around the school are true..."
"just leave me alone, for god's sake." chittaphon sighed.

taeyong dragged the short boy to the place where he initially was in the library, and started talking.
"my full name is lee taeyong. i like to rap, compose music and dance. my friends call me tae sometimes, and speaking of friends i truly only have two. i love to listen to music, watch movies, play games and order delicious fo-"
"that's enough." ten caught him off.
"well, chittaphon, what's your favorite color?"
"black. shouldn't the door be unlocked now?" chittaphon knew it wasn't, but he needed to get as far as he could from taeyong. the last mentioned sighed.

chittaphon noticed a button, which he pushed. a large sound was suddenly heard.
"what the fuck?!" taeyong yelled.
"i don't know i just pressed this button and this happened! why am i like this?" he thought out loud, something that surprised taeyong, but he was more worried about his ears falling off from that loud sound.
seconds later the two males heard someone unlock the door. it looked like a person from school security because of his uniform.

"looks like we can go now..." taeyong disappointingly said. he wanted to get to know all about the other one.
"yes and don't talk to me again. i'm leaving." ten said, his face showing no emotion.

the said boy pulled his hood up along with putting his mask on and started walking past taeyong.
the other one, instead, stayed there. he truly wanted to be close to ten, but the other made it impossible.
he still wasn't going to stop himself. he doesn't know why, but he couldn't forget about him nor stay away from him.

taeyong felt as if he was destined to meet ten. like a soulmate type of thing, if that makes any sense.

hello :[, i truly don't like where this is going like,,,, i know what to do but i feel like this doesn't have the 'power' i want it to have...
anyways, it's supposed to be daily updates and i didn't upload for like a week (for me it's a long time skkdksdk) so i'm really sorry!! i'll try to update tomorrow or the day after. bye, take care <3

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