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& JuHakNyeon &

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Time was one hell of a bitch. Sometimes you lose track of it, sometimes you can't take your eyes off of it. It doesn't stop for anyone or anything. And that was the worst part.

Having to move forward even after a tragedy. Not being able to fully take in, process, and heal what just happened. Having to go to work the next day because missing even one day could have you living on the streets for the rest of your life.

But maybe there was a remedy for that.

Time seems to stop when you're with that someone whom you really don't know what kind of person they'll be in your life. Will they stay? Will they not? Are they someone you can't afford to let go? Are they just meant to be a lesson?

Sunwoo was that person for Haknyeon. He didn't know why or how.  To be honest Haknyeon didn't even know if Sunwoo was going to stay or not. Time just seemed to stop with they were together.

But weirdly enough that was the best part. Not knowing who Sunwoo was meant to be in his life. It made him want to keep reading the story that was Kim Sunwoo.

Haknyeon wanted to know him more. Find out what makes him happy, what makes him sad, his hobbies, his flaws, everything.

"I should go in now." Haknyeon said quietly.

Sunwoo nodded, gently pulling his hand away.

"Thank you." Haknyeon smiled.

"For what?" Sunwoo chuckled.

"For sitting here with me. For holding my hand. And for just being here with me. It feels good to have someone to lean on again." Haknyeon shrugged, his smile still perfectly intact.

Sunwoo copied the smile. "Don't thank me, I'm just happy I can be that person for you."

Then, before they knew it, they were headed their separate ways.

Haknyeon watched behind the glass doors as Sunwoo pulled out of the parking lot.

"You're late."

Haknyeon turned around to see his boss with his arms crossed, he didn't look too happy.

"I know and I'm really sorry, but-"

"I don't want to hear it. This is coming out of your paycheck. Now get to work." And he walked away.

Haknyeon sighed, staring at the now empty space in front of him.

"Yes, sir." He said quietly.

Haknyeon had avoided thinking about the situation with his mother up until he clocked out. He was walking to his car when he got the call. The call from his mother's doctor.

Haknyeon kind of just stared at the ID. Too terrified to answer it, but he did it anyway.

"Dr. Kim."

"I'm so sorry, Haknyeon. Your mother just passed away."

That's when he whole world fell apart. The noise around him faded out to nothing. His phone fell out of his hand as he sprinted towards his car.

He got in and as quickly as he could he pulled out of the parking lot.

To hell with speed limits. He had to see her.

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