1. Prologue

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Dear Diary,

The name is Aubree, but most people call me Bree. This is my first entry in my newest diary.

I never really had friends; mostly acquaintances because I wasn't really that great at making friends. I used to make them come to me, and they became my friend. But that didn't work out so I decided that this year was gonna be different.

You see, this year I am moving to a city called Swellview. My dad is making us move because my brother died last month. He thought that moving would be a new beginning for us, so that's what we did. We moved.

Now here is the thing about my brother. He was a superhero; he fought crime and saved people. That is also how he died; by saving people. And I want to take his place, and become a superhero myself. Right now my dad doesn't know because he would completely refuse and I would never get the chance.

Oh, and my mom; she died when I was born. Apparently I was way too fat, and killed my mom. Wow I was a murder...at 1 minute old. I don't think about her much. The last time I really thought about her was when dad was trying to bra shop with me. That was awkward.

Okay, so back to me again. When I move I am gonna be their hero. I don't know what I'm gonna be called yet, but one day I'll figure it out.

Well I got to go; I got to get on the plane to Swellview.

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