25. Wiz-Watch

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2/16 continued.

“My name is Purple Flash!” I screamed.

“Can you please keep your voice down!” he whispered.

“You do realize that there are ear blasting sirens on at the moment”, I yelled again.

“Whatever Bree, hop on”, he said walking over with a wheel chair.

“You think I’m leaving with you?” I say crossing my arms.

“Yeah, you are. Now get the fuck in!” he said pointing to the seat.

“There is no way I’m going with you and leave Ray here!”

“He can come too. Ray you get in first, Bree can sit on your lap”, he scoffed. I looked over to Ray. Ray nodded and I sighed.

“Fine!” I sighed, “Ray, get in.”

He extended his hand to help Ray up. Ray screamed weakly in pain and hopped into the wheelchair. Ray extended his arm out to me and I took it. He pulled me up onto his lap.

“Can we go now, you know…before we get killed?” he said crossing his arms.

“Why are you helping us anyways?”

He smirked and gripped onto the handles of the chair.

“Because…I can’t let my little sis get killed, can I?”

Hunter started to push to chair and run out of the room. First he was trying to kill Ray, and now he wants to help us…what is wrong with him?


~Henry’s Point of View~

A tear trickled down my cheek. I wiped it off with the back of my hand and sniffled. After my soft sobs stopped I walked across the hall and splashed some water on my face. I dried my face with a towel and blow my nose. When I thought I looked decent I took a deep breath and took my Wiz-Watch off. I threw it on my bed and walked downstairs.

My mom was sitting on the couch with her face in her hands. I couldn’t tell if she was crying or not. “M-mom”, I shuddered. Her head shot up and looked at me. She wasn’t crying, but her face was red.

“W-what was that?” mom said looking away from me.

“What was what?” I stalled.

“Your watch! Why were you having a freakin hologram conversation on it?” my mom screamed.

I stood there frozen. I didn’t know what to say. I can’t just be like, “Sup mom, just wanted to tell you that I’m Kid Danger and put my life at risk sometimes. You know, like I was kidnapped twice and stuff like that.” Yeah…I don’t think that would work.

“Well…” my mom crossed her arms.

“I-I can’t tell you”, I say.

“WHAT?” mom screamed, “If you can’t tell me, then give it to me…now.”

“Mom, I can’t!”

“Now Henry!” my mom stood up and looked at me, madder than ever. I ran upstairs and saw that my watch was buzzing. Before I answered it I jumped out of my window and ran down the street.

I hid in the forest and answered the call. I thought it was going to be the same man but it was Ray again. “RAY! What happened? Why did that guy have your Wiz-Watch?” I panic, “WHERE’S BREE!”

“Henry…breathe…she’s fine…” Ray said, “Well…except for the serious burns, bruises, can’t walk, and has dried blood all over her.”

“WHAT!” I scream, “Let me talk to her!”

“Okay…by the way, I’m fine…thanks for asking”, Ray said and the hologram changed to Bree.

“Oh my, god…Bree! You’re okay! Well you’re not okay, but you’re ALIVE!” I could hear her chuckle a little.

“Don’t worry, we were saved while you played your video games”, Bree weakly smiled.

“Actually…I’m not home”, I say under my breath. Or at least I thought.

“Why aren’t you home?” Bree asks sweetly.

“My m-mom caught me using my Wiz-Watch. She wants an explanation or she’s gonna take it.” The hologram changed back to Ray before Bree could answer me.

“WHAT!” Ray yelled, “Henry!”

“I’m so sorry Ray! I had no idea, I didn’t even know she was home!”

“I’m sorry Henry…I have no choice. When we’re capable of coming back, I have to take your Wiz-Watch back. We can’t have your mom finding out”, Ray sighed and hung up the call. More tears…Except this time, it was a whole shower of tears, soaking my face and hands.


      A/N***Henry just lost his job?! I was bored so I made a short chapter.

So I thought of making a genderbend fan fiction...weird or no? For example Captain Man would be Captain Chick, and Kid Danger would be Chick Danger...thoughts?

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