21. Valentine's Day - Part 1

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Ah...Valentine's Day. That one day when almost 99% of the population go on dates with their loved ones. Some get married...some get proposed on Valentine's Day. Well me, I'm going to be hanging out with my boyfriend in his bed because he got tortured yesterday. Well Henry isn't really my boyfriend...is he? I forgot...I probably shouldn't have, but I did.

I got out of bed and put on the Valentines outfit I picked out last night. It was sweater with hearts on it, a black skater skirt, and black knee high boots. I put my hair into a French braid bun and called Henry.

Bree: How are you feeling?

Henry: I'm okay, but I'll feel better when you get over here.

I blushed and bit my lip.

Bree: Okay, I'll be right over. I love you.

Henry: Love you too.

I hung up and grabbed my purse. I threw my phone, gum, and wallet into it and ran downstairs.

I saw my dad watching the news while I walked down the stairs. I walked over to him and looked at what they were talking about. "Hey dad, I'm gonna leave now", I said smiling.

"Okay honey", my dad said. I gave him a hug and walked out the door.

~Henry's Point of View~

I know that I was supposed to be resting, but I just couldn't. I quickly put on a red button up and some jeans. I walked slowly down the stairs, being careful not to be overdoing it and went to the kitchen.

I got out the pan and the ingredients to make pancakes. I quickly made the batter and made them into heart shapes. After I was done with the pancakes I made one plate and put the rest onto another.

I put one pancake down on the plate, and put wiped cream on it. Then I put another pancake on that and drizzled maple syrup on it. After that I put a few cut up strawberries on top and put it at the table.

When I was finished with the plate I made red velvet hot chocolate - Aubree's Favorite - and put it next to the plate. Aubree came into my house right after I put the cup down. I stood up straight and walked over to her.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Aubree asked me.

"I wanted to make today special" I said smiling.

"But you should be resting Henry."

"I will...after you're finished", I said holding her hand. She looked at me weirdly. "Just follow me."

I pulled her into the kitchen and sat her at the table. Bree's eyes widen and I saw a tear trickle down her cheek. "H-Henry", Aubree shuttered, "This is amazing." She stood up and kissed my cheek. I sat down in the seat next to her and we ate the breakfast.

~Aubree's Point of View~

Henry was the best. I didn't even like Valentine's Day, yet he was able to make today the best day of my life (so far). I ate the heart shaped pancakes alone with the red velvet hot chocolate. After I was done Henry smiled.

"Was it good?" Henry asked me.

"You think that was good?" I asked. "That was far from good...that was amazing!"

Henry's light lit up. I saw him reach for something in his pocket. My eyebrows rose as I didn't know what he was grabbing. He pulled out a small, red cardboard box. He smiled and passed it to me. "What is this?"

"It's for you", Henry's smile got even bigger.

I took it out of his hand and opened it up. Once again I was amazed at what Henry did for me. It was a ring with a heart on it. Inside the heart was a key slot. There was also a dog tag necklace with a key inside it. "Henry, when are you gonna stop with all the surprises?" I laugh.

"Maybe when I die", Henry smirked, "Do you like it? The necklace is for me."

I was speechless. I nod and smile. I look up and lock eyes with Henry. "I...I love you" I say.

"I know", Henry smiled; he got up and kissed me passionately.

A/N*** Who ships it? Hubree or Benry?

Let me know in the comments, and don't forget to vote! Thanks guys!

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