9. Clematis

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Once the creature was done eating it looked at me calmly and then came over and nudged me with it's tail which I must say is very soft it's like clouds. I sat down on a rock nearby sketching it while it let mabel stroke it's scales and tail it was an magnificant creature and i'm sure ford would love to see the sketches and meet this lovely creature. After a bit I got up to show mabel my sketch of the creature, I slowly walked over to mabel and it as mabel noticed she said "hey since this is a new creature we should get to name it right?" she looked exited probably because dipper would be upset that he wasn't here for this "yeah that sounds right" I say pointing my pencil at her "yay" she squealed startling the creature a bit it backed a bit away from mabel and then went over to me as I sat on a crystal nearby mabel.


After pacifica sat down she showed me her sketch of the creature it was beutiful and very accurate we then began to discuss names for the creature. After about an hour of discussing names I asked "hey creature what's your name?" I didn't think it would hurt to try but then it got up and bounded off...coming back a few minutes later with a flower as if it understood what I said "hey isn't that a Clematis" said pacifica pointing at the flower which the creature nodded back I looked at pacifica who looked at me we both looked like we had just one the lottery of 5 hundred dollars.


A few minutes after dipper and bill had left I was getting ready to go check out the cave when mabel and pacifica burst into the room they both looked so exited that I didn't even ask what they needed and just said "where" with very exited faces they dragged me out of the house and into the woods to a clearing where a dragon like beuty of a creature was it also had crystals around the clearing which I would have thought was very interesting but the dragon like creature was more captivating then anything I was amazed at what these two had found "Clematis is friendly so don't worry" said pacifica looking at me exitedly and proud I looked at her confused "Clematis understands HUMAN SPEECH!" mabel said very exitedly waving her hands around in the air but what she said left me dumb founded a creature that didn't have human attributes and that couldn't speak are language understood US it was amazing.



hey, sorry that the last chapter and this one haven't been very interesting i've just not have had good creativity for this book lately so hopefully I can do better in the next chapters. till the next chapter :>. 

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