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Video:  Monty Python - The Black Knight - Tis But A Scratch
Uploader: el toro

Y/n's POV

I kinda just laid there, paralyzed, as everything happened around me. I just stared up at the night sky. It didn't look that bad. 

I continued my attempt to move my fingers, however, my limb refused to follow orders given by my nonexistent brain. I could feel the heat of Shouto's flames as it seemed that he was trying to burn Stain to a crisp. 

I could hear Native calling out Shouto. "Idiot! The hero killer is after me and that kid in the white armor, right? Don't fight back. It'd be better if you ran away!"

"It doesn't look like he'll give me an opening to do that. Something clearly changed just now. He's flustered." Shouto replied as the Hero Killer jumped off from the side of the building. Shouto followed his movements and sent a glacier of ice toward the villain, however, Stain easily maneuvered away. 

I blinked a few times, trying not to strain my eyes as it's hard following everyone's movements. My eyes met with the night sky again, and I swore I saw a shooting star.  

The sound of ice being sliced and shattered filled my ears, and I assumed that Stain cut through it-- which is probably the only logical explanation for the sound I'm hearing. 

I closed my eyes and took a steady inhale of oxygen. I focused my energy manipulation and used it to enhance my hearing abilities, and just listened to the battle itself. Periodically, I tried moving my body, which still remained unmovable. 

I could hear the sound of an engine, yet it seems like it's failing. The sound of heavy footsteps filled my ears as it moved around the area, followed by the heat or coolness from Shouto's Quirk. 

"Todoroki-kun, can you regulate temperature?"

"I'm not used to it with my left yet. Why?" 

"Freeze my legs! Without plugging up the exhausts."

"You're in the way!" I heard Stain holler, as a knife whizzed through the air. I heard a grunt, followed by the sounds of a liquid, blood splattering onto the floor. 


"You stop too!" 

Another knife whizzed through the air and implanted right into Iida's arm once again. A thud followed soon after. 

The heat from Shouto's fire had disbursed. Shouto called out Iida's name in concern. 

"Just do it! Hurry!" Iida spoke, rushed. 

From where I last saw Izuku, I can hear the sound of a small grunt, as well as the sound of shuffling on the floor. There also seems to be shuffling on the wall, judging from the height of the sound. 

Ice forming on a surface filled my ears, followed by the startup of an engine. 

Two different sounds, both of which contributed to the same action, had startled me slightly, causing my eyes to open. Both Iida and Izuku had launched themself up into the air. 

"GO!" I cheered, enthusiastically. My cheering had brought an immediate reaction to trying to move my arm, and it felt like my finger twitched.  

"Go!" Shouto echoed. 

Iida and Izuku had both inflicted damage onto Stain. Izuku had punched the villain in the face, and Iida kicked Stain's side, possibly earning a few broken ribs too. 

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