Class 1-A

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A/n: Btw Hyuzu means 'Fuse'

I arrived at Class 1-A. A glum look was on my face,'How the hell was that even recorded?'  I question mentally,'The video went viral...and it took about a week for the person to upload it...' 

I opened the door, only to be met with a bunch of people staring at me.


"ACK!" I was tackled into a bone-crushing hug, causing me to let out a small gagged cough,"'re killing me! And just call me Y/n!" 

He automatically backed away, apologizing. I sighed,'What am I going to do with him?'


Our teacher - the human caterpillar - aka Shouta Aizawa- was talking about doing some sort of quirk assessment. The person in last place will be expelled from class.

~~~Time Skip~~~ 

{Sorry for those of you who wanted to read the quirk assessment part}

I placed around 12th. I wasn't surprised, my quirks aren't suited for this. The only one I did really good in were probably the long-distance run, seated toe touch, long jump, and grip-strength. The others were about average for a normal person without a quirk. I refuse to use my quirks right now.

{A day later}

Everyone was waiting patiently for All Might to walk through the door.

'I know All Might...I don't remember the 2nd and 3rd placed heroes though. I think #2's name was based off a word that meant 'Try hard to do or achieve something.' Endeavor was the word...Yeah, he tries too hard. I'll either call him flame-thrower guy dude thingy....or just 'a guy who tries too hard.' Then I think the 3rd was...Bean Jeanist? Or was it Jeanist Bean? Hmm...I need to pay attention more...If not, then I need to work more on Kanji...' I sighed

(A/n: I'll be completely honest...when I first read the subtitles, I thought it said Bean Jeanist . Anyone else? xD   )


"....A normal person wouldn't say that..." I was completely ignored

{Locker room}

I had changed into my hero costume which is pretty much casual clothes-- there wasn't anything that stood out about it. 

The costume, overall was baggy and loose-fitting, mainly because I'd like the advantage of having my opponent either underestimate me or overestimate my build and strength.  In addition to that, the loose-fitting sleeves could throw off an opponent's ability to predict my movements. 

The costume consisted of a dark, slightly tinted color of (f/c), with a few hidden pockets that can store a few pocket knives... maybe even a few painkillers. The sleeves resembled somewhat of a kimono, due to the style of the oversized sleeves. I wore some regular pants, which were also oversized. My shoes were just regular shoes, with the addition of cushioning should I ever decide to jump from a high place. 'Wait, the way I phrased it doesn't sound good--'

(Edit: I had changed the first costume. I don't know what my younger self was doing-- I'm sorry lmao) 

There was little chat going on in the girl's locker room, however, I chose to ignore it as much as possible-- but that was until I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around to be met with brown-colored eyes. She had shoulder-length brown hair and was donning a pink and black skin-tight bodysuit.

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