Green Eye.

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Finally,some rest! After hearing the bell,the math teacher just walk off from the class,not giving a damn about us. I stretched out my hand, giving my body some rest. Hmm,what to do next? Maybe staying in class will be a good idea. I close my book and put it in the shelf.

"Hey Austin,wanna go to the cafeteria?" Ask one of my friend. "Sorry, but I'm not in the mood right now." I answered as I layed of my body to the chair. "Okay then." My friend left me alone. Wow,the class sure is empty when it's break time. I noticed that only one person beside me stays in the class now. It was a girl that sits far back in the corner of the class. Her name was.... Lisa? I think it was her name. She is that type of shy girl that doesn't interact that much with other people.

"Hup." I muttered slowly as I get up from my seat. I slowly walked to Lisa bench,not wanting to disturb her. After getting pretty close, I noticed that she was drawing something. "Wow, you're very good at drawing." I suddenly complimented her. It seems that I shocked her,seeing that she suddenly closed her sketchbook. "U-Uhm,wh-what are you doing here,Austin?"

"Am I not allowed to stay in class whenever I want to?" I tried to tease her. "No no no, it's just odd seeing you here. You're not the type of person to stay in class at break." Lisa slowly covered her sketchbook with her hand. "Oh yeah,can I look at your drawing? I see that you are good at it." Lisa stares at me with a surprised face. "Hey,you alright there?" I asked as she began to spaced out. "O-oh. Yeah, I'm fine." Lisa answered as she shakes her head a little. "So,how about the sketchbook? Can I see it?"

"Uhm...." Lisa didn't answer. "Please??" I asked her more politely this time. "Okay,but wait a minute." She opened her sketchbook and turned the pages pretty fast. She stopped turning the page,and ripped it out of the sketchbook. What drawing is it? "Okay,here. Take a look."

I began to see her drawing one by one. Damn,she is a good drawer. But,something I didn't expected come out. "Hey Lisa,is this me?" I point at the drawing.
Lisa face turned red. "Uhm,i-it's not you.... It's,uhm.. A random draw! Yes,a random draw." Lisa tries to evade. "You sure? How can you draw this character,that has 100% same feature as me?" Checkmate. Lisa can't deny that fact. Lisa blush even harder. "Any answer?" I tried to tease her.

"Okay,okay! I... I actually love you." Lisa answer hit me. Did she actually said that? "Uhm,Lisa? Are you sure?" I need to convince myself that this is a dream. No way a class clown like me could actually have a girl that fallen in love with me. "Y-yes. I really sure that I fallen in love with you." Lisa hid her face behind her hand.

"Give me a minute...." I walked out of my class,trying to get a fresh air. Was she actually serious with her word? Yeah, there is no way she was actually serious.
But,what if she was serious? Agh,there will be no end to this.

As I was about to walk in to my class,I see three girl was surrounding Lisa. Aren't they,the 'Bully Group?'
Crap, I need to help Lisa. I braved my self and walk towards them. "Hey there,what you all doing?" I tried not to sound serious. "Oh,hi Austin. We're just talking with the 'Witch',right guys?" Tess,the leader of the group opened up. "Yeah,right." The rest followed.
"Who is the 'Witch'? Oh, is it Lisa? Oh yeah,I need to talk to her for a minute. I'll borrow her for a bit. Bye guys!"

I grabbed Lisa hand with force and get her out of the class. I heard the three girl was calling out my name.
I don't care about it and keep running. I take Lisa to my favorite spot,the rooftop. After getting there,I let go of Lisa hand. "Sorry for holding your hand without permission." I apologized. "No! I was the one that need to apologized. You don't need to put yourself in trouble for me!" Lisa half shouted. "Ah,sorry. I don't mean to shout at you..." Lisa looks guilty.

"You don't need to apologize. And,mind explaining once again the reason why you fell in love with me?"
I tried to hear her clarification. "Well,uhm,you can't explain love can you?" She gave me a smile. A beautiful one. "Well,your right. Sorry if I'm bothering you."

"No, you're not bothering at all." Lisa gave another smile at me. Same beauty as before. "Hey,do you mind if I ask something?" Lisa looked curious after I ask that. "What is it?" After a while,I braved my self to ask "Why do they called you Witch? Is it because your green eye?" Lisa went silence.

I looked her in the eye,hoping that she will answer. ".... Yes, you're right." Lisa sad face makes me feel bad. "Well,what a fool they are." Lisa looks confused. "Well,they bully you just because those beautiful green eye right?" Lisa was flustered by my compliment. "T-thank you..." She hide her face behind her hand. "Okay,we need to go back to class. Class nearly started." I get up and walk. "Okay!" Lisa followed.

The next day.

Ugh,why can't I sleep peacefully yesterday? It makes me wake up pretty late and it disturb me! I walked my way to school with a bad mood. Why can't I make her cute voice stop echoing in my head?! God,please give me a break. When I was about to walk past the school gate,someone stopped me. "L-Lisa! Don't scare me off like that!" I tried to sound playfull. "Austin,I... " She stopped her word. Wait,why does she look frightened? Could it be that Trio pick her up again?

She calmed down,but the horror in her eye was still there. "We need to talk. After school end,meet me in the gym." After saying that,she just walk away,leaving me alone. What in the actual f**k? Okay then,if it what she wanted. I walked my way to class to start the day with a horrible opening.


Finally,the school is over! Now I get to know why Lisa act like that. Wait,she's already gone? So she really want to talk in private,huh? What kind of thing would she say? With the clashing thought in my head, I walked straight to the gym. I opened the door,seeing no one there. "Lisa?" I shouted her name. "Lisa!" I shouter her name again,a bit harder this time. Suddenly,Lisa came out of nowhere and walked towards me.

"So what do want to talk with me?" I started to ask with a playful tone. She stay quiet,her face looking sad. "Hey, what's wrong?" I tried to touch her,but she backed a bit. "Austin, I'm really sorry for doing this...." She touched me,and a ray of light came out. "What do you mean.... WHAT!?" Suddenly,the world was getting bigger and bigger. I tried to run away but Lisa hold my shirt. "Lisa,please,what are you doing to me?!" I panicked and trying to kick her,only to realized that now I'm only a few inch tall. She pick me up and put me in her pocket. A fleshy sensation came between the fabric. She was covering me between her hand inside her pocket. The air suddenly change,and made me very sleepy. What is she gonna do with me? As I ask that question I began to fall asleep.

1345 words. A new record for me, I think. Sorry for the lack of g/t interaction here. It's hard to write for me now. Overthinking is bothering me lately,and some internal problem was there as well. Hope you all have a great day after reading this,Bye. 

(Oh,by the way,do you want a second part? Let me know)

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