The Outrider(Genshin Impact)

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God why is she so pretty

Shit,why the heck did I fall there? The cat is now chasing me and I can't seem to find any other way of surviving except running for my dear life. I maneuvered many times but that damned creature still chasing after me. Why did I venture to far from my place?

Then, something bad happen. I tripped my leg and fell. Oh lord,this is surely the end for me. At this point, I gave up running. I prayed to Lord Barbatos to be given a quick and painless death. But something happened,right before the cat got mw. A human catch it. Just second before my death,the cat was taken back.

I stunned in place, completely shocked from what I see. A giantess standing in front of me. Her golden eyes looks perfect,and her long hair with the red ribbon makes her more beautiful. "There you are,your owner is looking for you!" She said,pointing at the cat. The cat hissed and try to fight back,but it was pointless. "C'mon,were going to get you back at your owner." She turned around. And then,our eyes met.

Her eyes widen,showing a clear sign of shock. I forced my feet to get out of there,not wanting any trouble anymore. I see a panic in her eyes at the moment I got lost from her vision. I said to myself,go faster or you'll die. So I did,i accelerate my speed to my limit,and my legs feel so numb. After a while,i finally stopped running and sat against one of the wall. "Shit.." I muttered. My plan of just getting food was thrown away by that stupid cat.


After hearing that,a shadow loomed over me. Without seeing it I already knew what it was. A human is looking straight at me. So this is my end,huh. At least,let me close my eyes first. My head suddenly feels very light. Wait,am I going to—


Ugh,where am I? I supposed to be in the street... Wait,the human,what did they do to me? "Your awake!" A sound of relief was heard from above me. I slowly turned my head up,and what greets me was those eyes. The beautiful golden eyes that had lock with mine a while ago. Those long brown hair looks very soft. And her face,is one of the prettiest I've ever seen.

"You've been asleep for so long, thought you wouldn't wake up." She said as she place one of her hand at the table. Seeing the size difference with her hand,my body shiver a bit.
Even though she's beautiful,she could still easily killed me. "I'm Outrider Amber,a person supposed to help all citizen of Monstadt." She smiled at me,made me completely stunned. "Uhm,can you speak?" I nodded at the question. "Good! So,can I please pick you up?"

"Y-yes..." I answered with doubt. She gently picked me by my back,and put me on her other hand. "Woah,your so cute up close!" She said as she examined me. I feel my face slowly turning red as she said that. "Eeh,do you have a name?" She asked again. "Yes,i-its Kyra." Her eyebrows moved a bit. "That's a pretty uncommon name,but sounds good!" She compliment me again. "T-thanks..." I tried my best to cover my face,slowly turning into a tomato.

"So,why are you running out there in the street? Isn't it dangerous for small creature like you? Oh yeah,what actually are you?" I feel overwhelmed by the amount of questions there. "S-slow down,first I was chased by the cat. Second,yes it is very dangerous for me. And third, I'm.... A borrower." Amber eyes widen. "Borrowers?! From those story?!"

"Yes." I answered. "Oh my god, I really think it was just a myth,but your real after all." She said as she rubs my back. She slowly raised it up,and patted my head. "There there, don't be afraid, I've got you now." Her soothing voice relaxed me. "Can I... Hug your finger?" I asked Amber.

"Yes!" She answered,smile perking from her mouth. I hugged her big finger,finally have the feeling to hug something. "So cute..." She mumbled pretty loud. I just smiled and continue hugging her soft finger.

After a minute or so, I finally released my hug. "You've done there?" She asked gently. I nodded. "Okay,so what you want to it? I'll get it for you."

"No no,you don't need to do that for me. I'll eat anything with you."

"Oh, I have an idea! How about you go to my pocket and see for yourself what you want to eat?"

"Okay,but please be gentle."


I literally write this in a day. Is this the power of simp?

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