Green Eye(2)

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Warning:some hurtful word ahead.

I jolted awake from my sleep. Ugh,where am I? Why does the floor feels cold? I shaked my head to get rid of the heavy feeling I got. Oh yeah,she shrink me..... I turn my head,trying to see if there was anything that could give me answer. I fixed my eyes at something that was in front of me. Is it,a cloth? And then, I realized it was a hand,wrapped in cloth.

That means...

I lifted my head upwards,and saw a giant,or a giantess. I backed myself untill I the edge of the cage. It make a loud noise enough to make the giant creature awake. It get up pretty slowly,and after a while it was finally awake,revealing it to be a giantess. She focused her eye on me,and said "Austin! Oh thank God you're okay..." The giantess,who supposed to be Lisa,suddenly hugs the cage and making it shake a little. "What the hell do you want?!" I screamed,making her stop. Both of us went silence.

"Back off,you monster." Lisa takes my word and backed off a little bit. "So,what do you want?" I questioned. "Austin, it's not like what you think...." Lisa sounded guilty. What the hell did she say? "Then why do you shrink me? Oh, because you only want me to yourself? Or are you a psychopath that want to kill me easily? SAY IT!" I screamed louder than before. Lisa went total silence. Then,she just ran away from the room and left me alone.

Good,go away and left me alone,I thought to myself. A loud footsteps suddenly heard and was heading towards here. I braced myself for a crying Lisa,but what greets me was different. An angry boy,must be younger then me about 1 or 2 year,walk furiously towards me. I instinctively backed away as far as I could. When he reaches the table,he suddenly slammed the table hard enough that I went flying.

"What did you say to her?" He said in an angry voice. "What do you mean?" I shouted. "WHAT DID YOU SAID TO MY SISTER?!" His shout nearly shattered my eardrums. "Why did SHE,shrink ME?" I tried to shout back at him. Lisa brother look pretty much the same. They had the same brown hair,the same nose and ear. The difference is,Lisa eye were green,while her brother was blue.

He was set in silence. Both of us trying the best to get the anger away. After a while,he opened the conversation. "Lisa.... She doesn't want this too,you know." He tried to sound assuring. "Then why did she shrink me?" I ask him. Silence happened.

"Well,it was pretty hard for her because of that 'ritual'." He got me curious. "What ritual?" I ask
"She turned 18 around 2 days ago. And when a witch turn 18-" "Wait,she really is a witch?" I cut him off. "Yes,but she didn't really used her power that much even if she got a load of it. So,continuing off,every witch that turn 18 need to show off their capability of using complex magic they have. They need to roll to decide what magic will they use,and what kind of target will they used it on." He stopped for a second.

"Lisa was pretty unlucky. She need to use the shrinking magic,on the one she loved." That caught me off guard. "You're lying." I want to denied it. "No,here is the result that she get after the roll." He handed me a paper,big one it is. I scanned it,one by one.

"It's true." I muttered to myself. "Hold on,give me a second please....." I sat on the table,trying to proceed the new information. "Hey,come to think of it, I never gotten your name yet." I burst it out from nowhere.
"Oh, it's Ryan." He leaned on the table.

"By the way,sorry at shouting at you. I just don't want to see Lisa sad." He apologized. "No problem. Can you call Lisa? I need to talk to her." I asked for help. Ryan walked out the room,leaving me alone for a bit. After a while,Lisa came into the room with a guilty expression. She walks towards me and sit on the chair.

An awkward silence came between us. "Austin, I'm really sorry...." Lisa said with a low voice. She put one of her hand on the table,pretty far from me. "I know you're mad at me,but please let me explain it."

"You don't need to."

My answer seems to shock her. "S-Since when?" She asked anxiously. "Just a moment ago. Ryan told me." Upon hearing my reaction,she mumbled "Ryan...." that I nearly didn't caught. 

"So,you really are a witch?" 

Lisa came silence again. "I'm sorry I lied to you..."
I tried to fake my smile. "Well,if its already happened,then be it." I layed down my body in the table. "Hey." I called out to her. "Is the effect of the magic permanent?" 

"No,it isn't. But I haven't mastered the growing magic yet,it's one of the hardest spell in the world." Lisa explained. "So basically it's still permanent." She looks so guilty after I said that. "I.. I promise to get your size to normal again."

"Nah,you don't need to try hard for me. Live been a d*ck anyway." I said. "What do you mean?" Lisa curiously ask.

"Well,both of my parents died when I was still young,and my foster 'parents' doesn't really like me. They always say harsh thing to me. And,in scholl, I always been convinced to always look happy. And now I'm stuck at the size of a human finger for as long as I will remember."

"Isn't my live is just so great?" I sarcastically asked.
She looks like she tried to hold her tears from dropping off her eyes. "Can I... Can I touch you?" Lisa gently asked. "Why do you ask? I'm totally yours anyway." After I said that,she gently patted my head.
"Austin, I'm really sorry for what I've done to you. I promise I will turn you back to normal." She said with a gentle and soothing voice. "Can I pick you up?"

"Y-Yes.." Why did my voice shake? Lisa gently picked me up and placed me in her palm. She's moving me towards her chest. "You can cry now, your emotion has showed up alot. I know your sad and scared,but always remember that I will protect you." A tears suddenly fell down of my face. I tried to fight the tears,but it won't work. All of my tears start to pour down from my eyes. Lisa gently patted my head while I was crying.

"Lisa, I'm sorry for saying bad things to you...." She cuts me off "You don't need to apologize,Austin. You're not wrong."

A/N:Hey,Blue here. Sorry for the late upload. Here is the second part. I know that this part was horrible, don't sue me. I don't feel like writing anymore,so don't expect me to drop any more story. Blue,out

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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