Chapter 9 "We All Eat"

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Yara POV. 🦋

Looking at him in front of me, all the memories started flooding back to the front of my mind. All the pain I felt from our last conversation with each other. But, is it bad that my heart fluttered seeing his face after all these years? I was conflicted with emotions right now. "Kentrell?" I said seeing him staring at me for a couple of minutes now. He refocused his attention looking me up and down taking in my appearance.

 He refocused his attention looking me up and down taking in my appearance

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"Yara? What you doing here?" he said. I could tell his body language was off, and he looked kind of... nervous? "I had a meeting with a client/friend. I'm guessing you record here?" I asked. He nodded his head, "Yeah, this my label, I come here some times." I nodded looking around. This was starting to get awkward, I didn't know what to say or even how to approach a topic of conversation.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the crowded lobby. "Wha-, Kentrell." I said recieving no response from him. He pulled me into an empty board meeting room, closing the door and sat me down in a chair. He sat down in a chair across from me just looking at me intently. I raised my eyebrows in confusion on where this was going. He scratched his head looking down, which I recognized as his way of getting his thoughts together.

He finally looked up sitting more forward in his seat holding eye contact with me. "Yara. I've been so caught up on how to get you back, that I didn't realize I never gave you the apology you deserve. I'm sorry for the words that was said and the feelings that were hurt as a result. I shut you out and completely pushed you away when you was the only one who could put me back togther, and I take full accountablity for it. When my grandma died, I felt like a piece of me died with her and honestly, I just didn't want to feel anything. Which is the reason I pushed you away, because with you..." He paused and took my hands in his. "I feel everything." "If it wasn't for you and that letter you sent me, shit I probably wouldn't be where I am right now. When I said, "all in" I meant that, and I want to live up to those words if you let me. Can you forgive me for my wrongs?" He asked staring deeply in my soul.

 Can you forgive me for my wrongs?" He asked staring deeply in my soul

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I was stunned. This was a way different Kentrell from 4 years ago. This Kentrell just expressed his feelings to me wholeheartedly and admitted his wrong doings. Thats when I realized that this wasn't Kentrell, this was D'Sean. The same 10 year old D'Sean who apologized to me for pushing me off my scooter that hot summer day. Looking in his pleading eyes, I knew he was deserving of my forgiveness.

"I forgive you Kentrell, and I don't blame you for the pain that you felt, you had every right to feel it. Though you could've handled it better... I understand your reasoning and I forgive you." I said looking him in the eyes. A smile spread across his face as he reached over pulling me in a hug. He still smelled like him, I can't describe it but it was his signature smell that I adored. This hug was different though, instead of stick arms of a 16 year old boy Kentrell, I was being wrapped in toned muscular arms of grown man Kentrell. And let me tell you, he sure wasn't 'chicken legs' anymore chileee goddamn. "Yara." he said with his arms still wrapped around me. "Hmm?" I replied "I missed you." he said making me smile even wider.

We let go of each other as I just stared at him as I started shaking my head laughing. He tilted his head smiling at me. "What's so funny?" he asked. "I fuck with the song. You alot of things DeSean, but you definitely not 'basic'." I said smirking. He started laughing, "Mane, I knew you was gone bring that up." he said shaking his head. He looked up at me holding eye contact. "But, I meant what I said. When I'm with you I never feel basic." he said. "And that feeling is because what we have, is far from basic D'Sean." I said smiling at him. His smirk spread across his face causing me to laugh.

                                  Kentrell POV.

She's so beautiful. I missed her so much, especially her laugh. I got my Chanel back, even if its just as friends right now, it don't matter cus thats all gonna change with time. "Damn Yara, a nigga can still make you laugh, i'm glad that ain't change." I smiled at her "I was about to say th-" "But that forehead definitely stayed consistant, its still big as hell." I said laughing cutting her off. She slapped my arm making me laugh even more. "You always playing, I see that I was making you sick cus I'm still seeing that frown line Dents. What I say about that?" She said tilting her head while laughing. I rolled my eyes, I couldn't even be mad cus just seeing and hearing her laugh was everything to me.

"Oh shit!" I said abruptly hopping out the chair. "What ? Whats wrong?" Yara asked. "Stay here, I'll be right back." I said making my way back out to the lobby. My dumbass forgot all about the food. I figured the pizza guy would've been gone along time ago so I looked around the lobby seeing Big Charlie carrying pizza boxes walking over towards me. "Here YB. Some guy said these were for you so I just payed him off for you." Big Charlie said handing me the pizza boxes. "Thank you, Good looking out Big C, here, enjoy dat." I said giving him the money I owed and a wing platter I ordered. "No problem, preciate it." He said. I nodded while dapping him up with my free hand. Like I said, if I eat, my homies do too. And that goes for food too. I made my way back to the board room where Yara was. I would take her upstairs to the studio, but Kay is there and I don't want Yara to think nun or have any bad energy.

"I'm back... and with food." I said causing her to look straight up from the mention of food. "Aww, you know food is the way to my heart." she said dramatically putting her hand over her chest. 'hmm, good to know' I thought putting the pizza boxes on the table. The gang would have to wait longer to get their food cus right now my only focus was Yara, I didn't want another minute without her presence.

She took the pizza and put them on two plates for the both of us. She reached over taking the pepperoni off of my pizza. Damn she still remember that I don't eat pork because of my religion? I admired her and how focused her face was placing napkins down next to my plate. She dug in her purse and pulled out a small hand sanitizer putting some in her hand and reaching over to put some in mine. "Un Un cus I ain't wit that girly shit." I said eyeing the glittery liquid. "Boy if you don't put this handsanitizer in yo hands before I smack you wit it." she said tilting her head. I laughed biting my lip putting some in my hands rubbing them together. "Un Un, not you tryna pull off that lightskin ass look. YOU TRIED IT!" she said bust out laughing. "Smcht, mane whatever." I said.

She grabbed my hands as I looked up expecting to look in her eyes but her head was bowed down. I then bowed my head down also. "Dear God, thank you for the food you put on this table and may you bless the food we are about to eat. Thank you for the actions of forgiveness that was displayed between the both of us today and for the growth we will experience together in the near future, Amen."she said soon lifting her head up. "Amen" I said as I lifted my head up just staring at her in admiration. My love for her keeps growing. It don't ever stop, just keep on flowing.


Forgiveness shows growth between both Yara and Kentrell. Yara let that hurt go and Kentrell let go of that pain he was holding! 🤝🥰

This chapter was kind of short but had a lot of meaning. Thank you for all the support!

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