Chapter 35

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Yara POV. 🦋
Night of the Gala.

"You still trying to get a hold of her?" Amir asked as he did a one over of himself in the mirror.

He was referring to me constantly texting Karin while gaining no response. She texted me days ago and I haven't heard from her since.

"No. I don't know Mir, this isn't like her. And it's not like I can just do a pop up like I would if I was back home in Atlanta." I sighed. I suddenly wasn't feeling the thought of going to this gala.

"You could always fly back home after the gala Yara. Mom and dad wouldn't mind. And besides, you've only stayed this long in New York because you're hiding from your problems in Atlanta..."

"Or should I say someone" he mumbled. I hit him on his arm as he laughed.

"You're right. Not about that last part, but how I should fly back after the gala. I guess you could say I've been hiding out here. Plus, I need to get my life back. I can't think of the last time I did something that was solely for my interest." I said as he nodded.

I just couldn't shake this bad feeling. Karin texted me saying that it was urgent. She was giving me one word responses until suddenly all communication was dropped. This isn't like her. I know my bestfriend.

"Come on my babies! Mir baby don't forget to put on your cuff links please!" My mother yelled.

I grabbed my purse and did a one over in the mirror. I've been slowing starting to feel like myself again. Akeem can take partial credit. Ever since that day in the barbershop, he and I have been talking non stop. He even forced me out the house a couple days ago to watch him at practice. It's been nice having him as a friend again. Mostly because he isn't aware of the recent events that down spiraled my life and it's relieving to talk to someone who isn't overanalyzing me.

Both Amir and I walked downstairs to the car. My father was definitely showing out tonight because he brought out his cocaine snow Rolls Royce. He never lets anyone touch this particular car.

"You look sharp pops. You sure you don't need to go back in the house and get your I.D.? Not sure if they'll let you in." I said as he laughed.

"Your old man still got it. How you think I bagged your beautiful mother?" He asked as he kissed the side of my mother's cheek. I smiled seeing their embrace. Black love is so beautiful.

"You look gorgeous momma. We're all so proud of you. I'm so glad I could be home to be here and support you." I said as I hugged my mom.

"Aw baby you look beautiful Yara. I'm just so glad that you're getting back to yourself. I love seeing you smile. All you needed was some family time." She said. We all got into the car and drove to the venue. New York traffic is crazy. Once we arrived, I stepped out the car while holding Amir's hand. My father gave his keys to the valet as he led my mom up the stairs.

"Damn. They go out every year." Said Amir. I nodded in agreement. The venue was all white from the walls and the sculptures. You wouldn't think we were in New York right now based off of the interior. There was a band playing jazz music, a walk up open bar, seating areas, and refreshments and food being served by tie fitted servers.

"Isn't it beautiful? Both Charlene and I coronated with the event planner. She really made our vision come to life!" My mom said excitingly.

"Look honey. There's Darwin and Rochelle. Let's go say hello." She said as she dragged my father off to greet their friends.

"Why are you avoiding dad?" I asked, acknowledging the elephant in the room. Amir shook his head and focused on the band playing.

"You know why Yara, so why even ask?" He responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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