Chapter 33

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                                   Yara's POV. 🦋

2 months later...

"Dad, I'm fine. I can't just come home to spend time with my family?" I said while mixing the pancake mix.

"Babygirl, you know you're always welcome. It just bet not be about that boy. Lemme find out he done hurt my Yara baby. AINT nothing to come out of retirement." He shrugged his shoulders. My mother slapped him while setting the table.

Its been two weeks that I've been home in New York. I haven't heard from Kentrell since that night. To say that I was a mess, would've been an understatement. My name was being placed all over the blogs for a longtime... everyone knew about what happened. It was embarrassing. But embarrassment wasn't the emotion that had a hold on me...betrayal.

I didn't realize how much of a factor he is in my life until the time that we've spent apart. It's been two months now and still no word from him. I've come to the conclusion that he's given up on me... he's given up on us. Probably why he cheated in the first place.

"Yeah well breakfast is going to have to wait. Ya, If you still want that ride I have to leave now. Gotta get a shape up." Said Amir and he entered the kitchen while brushing his waves. My mother and father were not subtle with their expressions of shock, seeing that I was finally getting out of the house.

"Okay. Thanks again Mir. I hate not having my car here." Since I flew here, my car was still back home in Atlanta. It's nice having a brother to be your own personal chauffeur.

"Bye Mom, bye Pops." I kissed each of their cheeks.

"Bye baby, don't forget to get a dress for the gala next week. I know you don't feel up to socializing right now, I'd love for you to be there." My mother said. This wouldn't be my first gala that I've attended with my family. Considering my mother is a top shot lawyer, her firm organizes these events every year. She's right about not being up for it this year, but judging by Amir's face practically pleading 'your ass better not leave me alone'... I simply just nodded as I forced a smile.

Amir and I walked out onto the driveway and entered his car. It was starting to get cold and New York cold is a different type of cold. I immediately turned on the heat as he started pulling out of the driveway. Today's agenda really just consisted of going to my store, searching for a ballgown to wear, going back home and back to my bed. I've really been out of it lately. I see it, my family sees it, and so do my supporters. I haven't been on social media since that night and I don't plan to anytime soon. Facing the internet would require time to be fully healed, which is something that I just am not. He broke my heart.

"I'm worried about you Ya. I haven't seen you like this since you came home from Louisiana to live with me and dad. You didn't talk for a whole month. Dad thought it was because of grandma but you were quiet way before her death." Amir glanced at me while keeping his attention on the road.

"I don't want to talk about it Amir. And you, mom and dad don't have to walk on eggshells around me. I'm not as fragile as it seems. I'm out the house aren't I?" I rolled my eyes. He didn't deserve for me to snap at him, but I couldn't help it. I hate feeling like this. I always talk to Amir, he's my rock. But I'm usually the fixer and now I'm the person that everyone is trying to fix. I'm fucking angry. First devastated, now angry. Angry that he gave up on me. Angry that I'm angry that he gave up on me.

"You don't have to shut me out Ya. You've been there every step of the way when I came to my shit. You're always there for me, just let me be there for you. I won't push, just know that I'm here." He softly smiled. Amir knows about everything and how it went down. I didn't tell my parents simply because I knew that they would overreact; more so my father. In his mind, I'm still daddy's little girl.

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