Chapter 23

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                                    Yara POV. 🦋

"So... tell me how it happened. I want to know how little Kentrell stole my daughter's heart." My mother said while smirking. I hid my smile while observing the only view present; cold marble floors.

After a weekend full of gift giving and bonding, my father treated my mother and I to a spa day today for the occasion. Right now we were both facing the marble floors while getting massages. I'm not gonna lie, I needed this. Yes the massage, but also to have our mother and daughter talks. She was the first person who I wanted to tell about Kentrell and I's new change of friendship to relationship status.

"Well, he expressed his feelings for me... and ma his words were so genuine. I had my doubts about him actually taking interest in me in that way, but he showed me different. For me to know him since a kid , and now this... it's all new, but I'm confident in what we have for one another." I said smiling at the thought of him. I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow. Mother's Day weekend is now coming to an end, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my last day here with my mom.

"I'm happy for you baby. I can hear it in your voice and see on your face whenever you talk about him. The both of you have been there for each other since childhood, that type of bond is like no other. So you should feel confident with your relationship." my mom said as I was deep in thought.

"It's just... I don't want to get too confident because what if one of us gets hurt. And it's frustrating because I don't want to sabotage myself and strain what we have. Especially, outside interferences. Not only has our relationship and bond been tested, but it's from people who are outside of our relationship." I said.

"I'm scared mom. I've never felt this way before and I don't want any one's feelings to be hurt. For once, I can truly say that I'm happy. And it's like I feel elated when I'm with him. The feeling of fear but also serenity when I'm with him. I don't know what it is." I said as the two massage ladies left the room. I didn't even notice the massage therapy was over. Sitting up on the bed, I was met with my mom's face as she smiled warmly at me.

"I believe what you're feeling is love baby." my mom said as I looked at her stunned. Love? Do I love Kentrell? I thought about the things that make him, himself. His anger issues, trust issues, lack of communication skills. These things were apart of him but there are other parts as well. Such as, his humor, his ambition, his love for others, his laugh, his smile, his scars and his heart. I love all of him, the good and the bad. I love his being, inside and out... I love him.

"I think you're right." I said as she nodded knowingly.

"Mama is always right." She said making me laugh because she is.

"Awww, my daughter is in love! There's nothing comparable to that feeling." She said.

"Is this the same feeling you feel with dad? You two have been eyeing each other all weekend. Me and Mir laugh at the both of you playing this cat and mouse game." I said laughing as we both walked out of the room. The massage was already payed for, so we left out of the building while walking to a nearby coffee shop. This cold ass weather is way more prominent here in NY than back home in ATL.

"Girl, you and Mir need to stop. And to answer your question, yes, I love your father. I love and respect the man he is, the father he is to the both of you. It's just I question if our love is strong enough, because he let the streets get in the way. And the fact that he exposed Mir to all of it as well... I just, I just need to see a change in him. A change that he hasn't showed me yet." She said as I took in her words. I get where she is coming from. One thing that I did know and am confident in, is the love my father has for my mother.

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