Chapter 2

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Chester POV


The rich boy with the paid protector friend watched everything around themselves with such awe that it made Chester excited for everything that was happening around him as well. Even though he had been to so many festivals and concerts and similar places, watching the rich boy's excitement made Chester feel like he was at his first event all over again experiencing all the new emotions all over again. He was looking everywhere like it was magic and that was why Chester had to stop in the first place. He had to know this boy and he was appreciating the experience around him more and more.

The two boys ran into each other three more times before the end of the night. Each time was just as uplifting and nerve-wrecking. They tried to just sneak glances across the field from each other, but soon enough they were wondering over to where the other one was and starting a new conversation that didn't mean a whole lot. It turned into a game of ask a question.

After the first conversation, when they ran into each other again, Chester suggested the game, "Question for question?" After Chester had asked him if he was from just a rich family or worked really hard himself.

The rich boy had answered, "we're not rich in the sense that billionaire's or CEO's are rich but rather in order to keep up appearances." Then rich boy had asked, "what is an Australian doing in Great Britain?"

Chester had shrugged, "I love going to festivals and shows. Now every time I see you, I get to ask you a question and you get to ask me a question. Deal?"

Rich boy had eagerly nodded and agreed, "deal."

This game gave him time to think of what to ask before they ran into each other again.

The next time they found each other, Chester was quick to ask his question first. "So, where are you from rich boy?"

He had looked startled at the question at first, but then grinned as if he loved telling people this, "I'm from Oplia." Chester's eyes widened in surprise, but rich boy was quick too, "what's your name?"

"My name is Chester, but friends call me Chip."

"Not a question," rich boy carefully said after Chester had told him his name, "but an observation that the girl from earlier called you Michael."

Chester laughed, "I don't like giving strangers at music festivals my real name so they can't stalk me on the Internet later when they get home."

Rich boy was suddenly alarmed, "but... Then..."

Chester leaned in a little closer, "don't worry, I want you to stalk me on the Internet later."

That statement made the rich boy blush and Chester felt the butterflies in his stomach at the sight. This boy was playing with his heart already and he didn't even know it.

Then, because this was Chester's idea and he was sticking to it, he turned around and walked the other way. Even if that wasn't the direction he actually needed. He tried his best to not dwell on what the rich boy's name must be, instead he tried to figure out what kind of family he must be a part of. Some public figure was confirmed. That meant Chester might already have heard of him and not realized it yet. He could investigate on his phone but that would waste battery power he didn't want to lose in case he could get his number. They could call or text after one of them left the festival and that was far more appealing. Plus, it might ruin th question game.

The question that bothered him the most, however, was the one he asked next. Because now the rich boy already knew his name and where he was from so Chester was already a question behind him.

The Artist, The Bibliophile, and The Prince - NaNoWriMo 2022Where stories live. Discover now