moving out

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Dan P.O.V

"Phil cmon we've got to go the moving van is pulling up right now" I grab two suitcases and shove a duffle under my arm stumbling down the stairs.

"Dan be careful please, don't want you breaking a leg our last day here" I hear him but I don't process what he's saying only picking up speed out of excitement. I make my way to the van and drop my things bolting back up the stairs to find Phil slowly descending.

"what's the matter hun? I thought you were excited." Phil looked down timidly, worry in his voice (i'm terrified of his answer, did we make a mistake, is this too soon, is he regretting buying it)

"I- I am excited i'm just nervous it's not gonna be everything we dreamed it would be."

I look at him a grin on my face "Cmon Lester we designed the thing, you know it'll be perfect now what is this actually about?"

I meet his eyes he looks as if he's about to cry "I'm scared Dan the house is huge.... what if you forget me?"

I cup his face in my hands "come here" I hug him tightly "I could never forget about you honey. Don't worry we're still gonna spend lots and lots of time together playing videogames, making videos, watching movies none of that is going to change I promise you."

He looked up at me with a big grin, sticking his tongue out the way he always does when he's cheery. I grab his hand and pull him down the staircase."Now cmon let's go check out our new pad, I bet it's pretty swaggy." I shoot him a pair of finger guns.

"Dan please never do that again! that was terrible" he chuckles looking relieved. I smile to myself as Phil does a little bounce on his heels.

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