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Thank god i am done with my THREESOME UPDATES!


@Byubyuhi sorry if i could not fulfill your wish "FRIENDS TO LOVERS" plot... i was just not inlove with the idea.... i am really sorry.

I hope you'll understand.

Warning: too many sidestories and contains "straight" content

And i just could not believe it! SOJIN OF GIRL'S DAY PASSED AWAY!

And i do not believe that she comitted suicide just because of a contract!

I believe that she was threatened by sasaeng fans since she was the rumorred girlfriend of DO KYUNGSOO!!!

Basically what i am trying to say was... i believe sasaeng fans are the reason why she died.


Kai was rushing to chase Naeun who just stormed out of a coffee shop after he said that he wanted to break up.

"I'm sorry, but it's just not working. I think it's better if we stayed friends." Kai took Naeun's arm, naeun turned around and slapped his face. Kai held his cheek and held his chin as he looked at her.

"You think i could just move on that easily kai? After all what we have been through even just for a week?" Naeun crossed her arms and kai was willing to listen at every word she was about to say.

"You think i could forget that? You are my first... and i think you could understand that. Remember I never let anyone touch me even taemin except for you."she added as she poked his chest.

"When i found you i thought you could be the one, but it was just a one week affair for you" naeun pushed her teary face on kai's chest while she punched it lightly.

"Naeun, it's just that..." kai was not done speaking and all of a sudden another girl with long black silky hair gave kai a backhug.

"Hi babe, who is she?" The girl on his back says

"Babe? Who are you calling babe?" Naeun suddenly pulled away and squinted her eyebrows looking at the other girl

"I think an introduction is not necessary." Kai sheepishly said looking frustrated.

"I'm Minah, His girlfriend." Spitefully glared at naeun

"That's it!" Naeun just let out her inner beast and pulled minah's hair.

Kai was not surprised... girls are crazy for him. He just scratched the back of his head and tried not to look embarassed. He came in between the two even if they were still having their cat fight and just said...

"Okay girls, i think i am done with the two of you and that is final, no more questions."

"What?" The girls said in unison, they stopped and looked at kai.

"WE.ARE.DONE." the two were steady, waiting for kai to tell them to whom he was done.

"You and i are done naeun." Kai said and minah hugged him

"Don't be happy minah... you and i are done too" kai pushed her away and then...

"This should have never happened because of you!" Minah gave naeun a death glare

"You bitch showed up and ruined everything!" Naeun rolled her eyes.

Then another cat fight begun.

Kai suddenly disappeared and just walked around the mall thinking... when would he find the ONE...

Kai sat down and got coffee from the same codpffe shop he left, where his bestfriend LU HAN works.