Dear Sunshine,
Your brilliant rays of shining hope have been dimmed by those who take your warm habit for granted.
They push you back down to earth and force feed you harsh lies wrapped in a pretty purple rapping paper.
You take them willingly, call them gifts, then welcome them past your guards and into your home every time without fail.
Fake a smile porcelain doll, never let them see the cracks their comments created across your crescent skin.
Dear Buttercup,
Your beautifully soulful golden petals stand out against the green of a million blades of grass.
Your kindness, your wisdom, your beauty and grace are reflected on the face of those who hold your warmth close.
This makes you an easy target for skin scraped and mud smeared children who mercilessly tug you from your bless-ed roots.
They destroy the very thing that gave you life in the first place, use you for a second, only to throw you back into the green sea of despair.
Dear Baby Storm Cloud,
You weren't always like this, no one ever is and no one ever asks to be either.
The heavy weight of forever holding in your grief like rain soaked up into your once positively optimistic mind.
Holding on to the pressure for as long as you, can darken anyone's brain no matter what bright soulful light tries to relieve it.
The day comes, and it always comes, when you give up giving up and finally allow your troubles to fall away in the form of streamline blood.
Dear Best Friend,
I've been in your shoes and I understand one hundred percent the struggles like wildfire you have to endure on a daily basis.
I understand the marks that remind you of rough days behind, and even harder ones ahead.
I understand how you love their raised, jagged edges, the trophies you etched yourself so delicately.
Dear Angel,
Your wings have been torn and burned and manipulated by those who take for granted the gift of flight.
Patch them up, fly regardless of the holes in your soaring grace and spit in the face of those who called you a disgrace.
Dear Warrior,
Shove a sword into the gut of your depression and self rejection and make it regret the day it took your reflection.
Dear Teacher,
Dear Preacher,
Dear Writer,
Your words have and continue to break the cycle of depression in those you meet and allow happiness and laughter to replace the loneliness in their souls with every chapter.
Dear Fighter,
Dear Structure,
Dear Strength,
Dear Security,
Dear Praise,
You've always been the backbone of many who fall into the same unforgivable path as both of us.
You're an inspiration to those who understand, but a laughing stock to those who don't.
Dear Depression Detour,
Dear Hopeful Glimmer
Dear Cure,
You are not conformity, you are originality at its finest and most pure form.
Dear Freedom Fighter,
Dear Nervous Nail Biter,
Dear Break In The Mend,
You're not a fault on the earths surface, the earth is the very thing carving canyons down your cheeks with every tear it sends.
Dear Careful To Bend,
You're letting too any things cloud your better judgement, turning it into a well needed adjustment.
You're worth more then a piece of metal, I promise you.
Because true depression isn't just a demented fashion trend.
Dear Nearing The End,
This will stop soon, I know it will, but you need to understand too in order for anything to get better.
You're in a dark place that's full of fear and sadness and anger and enough tears for you to drown in your own suffering and pain.
Your eyes are exhausted from crying, ears tired of the constant comments, but a bullet through your head is not the way to make it all go away.
I know you think it's not worth it anymore, that dying is much less painful then continuing the life where you have to pretend.
Dear Best Friend,
There's a wide and open ocean of uncertainty between where I live and where you are.
That isn't to say that I'm not with you or that I never will be; there isn't a day that goes by where the thought of you doesn't cross my mind.
Where I don't wonder if you're alright, wonder if this time was the last time, hope and prey to a God I don't even believe in that you'll answer me the next time I reach out for you.
I try and try again to shove the truth forcefully enough to break down the barricade wall of insecurity the lies have created around your mind.
To get you to believe that the person in the mirror isn't even close to representing the radiant reality standing directly in front of it.
You are worth so so so much more then what people say about you.
Dear Casper,...
YOU are worth so so SO much more then what people say about you.
So when your feeling down, like you're about to drown, and all else fails,
Re-read this poem to reassure you that at least one person cares.
Because I do.
I promise you.
I do.
~Abby 🌹
My Poetic Attempts
PoetrySo many times I've found myself sitting behind a computer screen, Completely avoiding the disappointed stare of life as I waisted mine. Watching people speak with such genuine passion, Such confidence, Made me want to do the same. To inspire people...