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Taehyung and his brother were sitting in the nurse office both lost in their own thoughts.

The nurse had asked for him to take a urine test when he told him his symptoms. Taehyung is not naive he knows the main reason omegas take urine test.

He knows he is not the only one litreally shitting himself right now.

His brother has been quite since the process and Taehyung knows Jin just wants to know the problem before anything else.

Taehyung knows pregnancy is impossible, the only person he had intercourse with is king Jeon Jungkook.

The king litreally can't get anyone pregnant like never, it's literally the first thing you know when you hear about the king of Achena. His curse is a known story across all kingdoms.

Taehyung did not have any sexual intercourse with anyone for over two years before he met king Jungkook who is also the last person he slept with so how?

"Sorry for keeping you waiting" He blinks back to the present, the nurse walked in with another woman. "This is Hei-ran, she is a midwife"

He stopped breathing. Mid - oh no!

"She will be able to help you through the process of your pregnancy" The nurse continues unaware of the frozen omegas in front of her

"You mean he's pregnant?" His hyung asked. Taehyung doesn't even need look to know the expression his brother is wearing right now .

The oblivious nurse nods smiling. "Yes, I'm sure your alpha will be happy."

Taehyung wants to laugh cause what in the name of the goddess is going on.

"A_re you sure" He finally forced his mouth to open. This is literally impossible

"Hundred percent sure" The mid wife response with a big smile"

It's not their fault but Taehyung wants to force the smile off their faces

"Even without the test the symptoms was telling enough" the nurse added voice loosing the earlier excitement

Oh god

"Is everything ok?" The nurse asked, obviously now noticing their reaction

No one said a word

Jin finally spoke up, he stood up giving a fake smile that is making Taehyung more scared of the news he just heard.

"Thank you very much we will be on our way now" His hyung said sweetly

The entire walk back home is quite,no one said a word. Taehyung's head is everywhere, this is literally something that is impossible. He has only beded one man in the last two years and that man is incapable of fathering a child

How on Earth did he get pregnant?

Immediately they got home all hell broke loose which Taehyung was expecting.

"Start talking who and when?"


"Taehyung I said you should start talking"

And Taehyung did he told his hyung everything. Not everything though close to everything

"You lied to me" The hurt in his hyung's voice makes wants to cry.

"Hyung I didn't know how to tell you" He said weakly

"That's your excuse? Imagine what ma and Pa will think right now?"

"please leave them out of it"

"Why should I? you just threw away everything they thought us, you stupidly gave yourself to a total stranger without protecting yourself and for what?"

That hurts

"Hyung I'm sorry I'm not like you ok? I'm sorry I'm never going to be like you, yes I did give my self to him so what?"

His hyung glares Taehyung glares back.

His hyung laughs

"So now you are pregnant with no alpha in sight. Oh I'm sorry where is the father Taehyung?" his hyung barks out mockingly

Taehyung was getting pissed

"Hyung I get it that I lied to you and did what I shouldn't have done-"

"Too late Taehyung, the fact you looked me in the eye and lied to me"

"What was I suppose to tell you? oh hyung I bed an alpha last night he knotted me the whole night?"

"You stupidly let an alpha knot you?
You knew you were not on any herbs to prevent pregnancy Taehyung how could you be so stupid huh? If you knew you were going to whore yourself around why didn't you atleast take precautions, I'm so ashamed of you!"

That's it

"Shut your mouth, shut it with your stupid holy over every one attitude, I'm so sick of it! I'm so sick of your stupid belief!" tears were already running down his face, he couldn't stop now. "The Alpha that put me in this position, he wanted to take me away to Harlem, ever heard of it?"

Taehyung watch his hyung's eyes widen in realisation.

"And you want to know the truth, I wanted it too cause unlike you I crave wealth and power more than I crave love hyung, and that's just me, that is just me! so yes I let king jeon Jungkook knot me more than six times"

His hyung's eyes widen even more.

"I loved and enjoyed every bit of it, I let it a happen without taken any herbs cause he is curse!" He screams frustrated with everything
"I am not suppose to be pregnant right now but I am, I don't need you or anyone else making it harder for me. Enough already!"

Taehyung finished with a glare before running out leaving a shocked brother behind.


He doesn't know how long he's been sitting here at the stream throwing stones into the water.

How on earth did he get pregnant? nothing was making sense, I mean logically is because he let the king knot inside him but king Jeon Jungkook has never gotten anyone pregnant in all his years of existence, the man is curse, a curse that can not be broken for eternity.

So how come he is pregnant.

Honestly Taehyung wanted to argue maybe try other clinic but he knows himself, he's noticed the change in his body, he's noticed the slight change in his scent, even his brother mentioned it days ago. Without any doubt he knows he is pregnant.

In the last two years the only time he was naked with an alpha is three weeks ago and that was with king Jungkook.

So how is he pregnant right now, did king Jungkook's curse break? I mean the world would know if that happened. So It hasn't.

Even the man said it himself that night when he was inside him.

"Don't worry pretty, my knot can only swell your ass not you belly"


Team Jin or team Tae?

THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now