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Taehyung was in his space trying to get some sleep when his hyung came back. He tuned out all the sound his hyung was making while getting ready for bed until...

"Taehyung can we talk?" The quite voice floats in his room, Taehyung ignores him, not having the strength for another fight.


"I know you are not sleeping Taehyung, please let just talk this out please"

There's no way Taehyung can ignore that voice.

"Come in" He quitely said, his hyung walked inside. Taehyung sit up on his bed eyes litreally on the wall.

"Tae forgive me for the way I handled the situation, for screaming at you and for the things I said Taehyung, I didn't mean any of those things I said. I let anger control my words I'm sorry"

Taehyung sighs meeting eyes with his hyung.

"I said some terrible things to you too, I'm sorry"

"No, no your reaction was to the awful things I said"

"And your reaction was to me getting pregnant"

"Come here" Teahyung push himself forward to hug his hyung.

"Forgive me" His hyung keeps saying

After few minutes they pulled away smiling with tears in their eyes.

"Come on let's lie down while we talk"

They both cuddled in Taehyung's small wooden bed, somehow they made it work.

"Taehyung" his hyung starts, "Jeon Jungkook the king of Achena is incapable of getting anyone pregnant"

"I know hyung" Taehyung whisper back quitely. "I know about the curse, I think every one does"

"I'm sure you understand why I'm having my doubts right now" Taehyung nods. "Are you sure he was the man you gave yourself to?"

"Yes hyung"

"Was he the only one you have given yourself to in the last month?"

Taehyung sighs not even offended at what his hyung was insinuating.

"The last time I had sex before him was two years ago hyung back in our kingdom, I told you about it"

His hyung hums. "With Hunchul"


"So no one else after that"

"Hyung the last two years has been us struggling to survive, when would I have had the time to you know-"

They both chuckle. "You are a brat Taehyung"

"Took after my brother"

"I'm nothing like you sorry" they both laughed. In a second the playfully atmosphere is gone.

"Do you know what this means Taehyung?"

"I keep asking my self questions hyung, how is this possible? the reason I didn't bother taking any herbs was because I knew I won't get pregnant"

Consort Jimin had given herbs to tbose who wanted to prevent something like this. Taehyung didn't think it was necessary, no one did, not even consort Jimin which is why the male didn't even bother offering it to him.

His hyung stood up to a siting position, eyes fixed on him

"Swear to me Kim Taehyung, swear to me king Jeon Jungkook of Achena is the only man that you gave yourself to"

Taehyung hold his stare.

"Hyung I swear to you in the name of everything dear to me, he is the only man I have given my self to in the last two years"

Taehyung let his hyung search his soul through his eyes, he had nothing to hide.

His hyung smiled wide, seeming satisfy with whatever he saw.

"Taehyung you just broke a curse of 130 years" His hyung said eyes wide open

"No one will believe it hyung"

"Litreally no one, king Jungkook has not been able to get any one pregnant since he got cursed 130 years ago. Even after looking for solution all over the world, meeting different witches nothing, it was said the man gave up, so you being pregnant.."

"No one is going to believe me, not even the man himself hyung"

Jin drops himself back on the bed.

"What do you want to do with it Tae?"

Taehyung has thought about it all day, he thought about getting rid of it in a brief moment, but no Taehyung cannot hurt his own child. This is a child that was form from a beautiful night with king Jeon Jungkook.

Taehyung is pregnant for Jeon Jungkook the cursed king. He knows some people would want to stone him to death, accuse him of lying to the king. He knows the road wiil be rough, his life and that of his unborn child would be in danger.

But he is pregnant for Jeon Jungkook, he broke the curse, the curse has been broken. He doesn't even know how?All he knows is that King Jeon Jungkook is the father of his unborn child.

Taehyung knows once it is proven that the child is king Jungkook's, Achena will bow at his feet including the great Jeon Jungkook himself.

King Jungkook would have an heir, the cursed king will have his own child, his own flesh and blood. King Jungkook can also call himself a father, his kingdom and the future of his people will be secured,

"What is making you smile like an idiot?"

Taehyung blinks to see his brother also smiling along with him

"I want to keep it and I want to let Jungkook know about it, I want everyone to know that I Kim Taehyung is carrying King Jungkook's seed."

"Ok Taehyung you are going into this too deep, can you calm down" they both chuckle. "Are you sure?"

"Yes hyung"

"It's going to be a tough journey Taehyung, no one will believe you."

"I'm not afraid hyung, with my life I'm sure the child in me is king Jungkook's"

"Ok then we have to wait till the weekend before leaving to Achena. I have to finish sewing the clothes I already collected from customers. From tommorow I won't be taking any new clothes, also I have to inform the owner to give her some time to find a replacement for me" Jin said in one breath a bright smile still on his face and Taehyung feels guilty

"Hyung, you know you can let me do this alone, you can't just disrupt you life for me"

"You think I will let my little brother do this alone? in your dreams, now shut up I want to sleep."

"In four days hyung"

"In four days"


Imagine showing up in a kingdom and claiming a king that has been cursed for more than 130 years got you pregnant?

Not gonna be easy


THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now