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Six months later. Taehyung and Jungkook had mated and Taehyung crowned the consort of Achena.

The ceremony was everything Taehyung had dreamed of. Kings and royals made their time to attend which Taehyung was grateful for.

He had said his vows with smiles.
His first vows was the mating vow, his second vow was as the consort of Achena

Funny how the ceremony was at same town square he had drank a death oath, and same place he got mated to the king of Achena and crowned the consort of Achena.

Taehyung had smiled the entire ceremony. He had always wanted wealth and power and now he's been blessed with everything. Power, wealth,a family, love and above all happiness.

His life was just perfect. His hyung too was happily mated, his friends were doing ok too. What more could he ask for

His heat came a month after he was mated. The king indeed didn't disappoint. The king seemed like he was praying for him to go into heat.

Taehyung is thankful heat only comes 3 to 4 times a year. Honestly he's concluded he doesn't like heat at all, it was all so enjoyable as Jungkook takes him on every space of the chamber, bend him over on every space, in different positions, Taehyung didn't even know he was that flexible. He had cry scream and even lost his voice.

Then later he couldn't do anything for days, his ass was completely ruined. So yeah Taehyung hates heat but it's something he has to go through.

Please please let's not even talk about The king's rut, that's was like a massacre to his ass. Taehyung is grateful it only happens thrice a year, a miracle indeed.

Ok maybe he's exaggerating a bit, it's not like he doesn't beg for Jungkook to take him almost everyday, whatever though.

Now to the present he was beginning to worry. You see throughout the King's rut and his heat, he didn't take any herbs for protection actually he wanted another child, he was beginning to fear Yo-han was just a one time miracle.

He knows the king is beginning to think that too, although he'll be very much satisfy if he never had another child. Yo-Han seems to be just enough for him.

Speaking of his son, his boy is 7 months already, and like Taehyung said before, he litreally took nothing from him.

As he got older it got worst on how much every of his features and mannerisms is identical to the king. His son is literally Jungkook, like in everything, it's scary sometimes how much they lookalike

Not to his father though, because jungkook loves it, brags about it and enjoy every time people talk about the resemblance between the both of them.

Immediately you see the boy you've seen the father, like you don't have to ask who is your father, Yo-Han is literally his father.

And don't get him started on how they are attached on the hip literally. Jungkook takes him everywhere except maybe when he's traveling far and Yo-Han is no better he wants his father all the time.

It was really bad when he was 3 months and four months. If The king's scent is not in a place where Yo-Han is he starts feeling restless.

Taehyung sometimes feel jealous of their bond, it's ridiculous yes. He wants another child that will look like him, ok Taehyung just wants more kids, sue him

THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now