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"You're skating too fast Reki!" I warned the red-haired boy as I was shortly behind from using my roller skates

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"You're skating too fast Reki!" I warned the red-haired boy as I was shortly behind from using my roller skates.

"Relax, I'll be fine" He said loudly as he looked back at me with a large grin as we skated onto the streets and allies of the town. My school skirt flowed up a bit from the fast speed I was riding fast.

"Reki! Look out!" I yelled as my dear idiot friend practically flew up and fell down as his skateboard went rolling away. I skated towards the fallen boy in concern "Reki! Are you okay"

"Agh! Yeah, I'm fine, but wait my skateboard is rolling away!" Reki groaned out in slight pain as I helped him get up but also did my best to not fall on my bum from using too much weight from helping him up.

"No mames, I'll go get it!" I said as I began pushing myself, letting my roller skates glide on the concrete road as I tried to catch up to it but it was still far away from me until I noticed a familiar figure from a small distance. It's that new kid. "Hey, can you stop that please!"

Langa was in a slight daze like he was in the morning but he quickly broke out of it as he was told. He managed to grab the skateboard as I tried to stop by moving one foot forward in order to put pressure on my heel to stop but I was already going to fast.

"O-oh shit!" I yell out as my own feet betrayed me and I almost landed face forward but luckily Langa was quick to react as he somehow stood out his arm that was holding Reki's skateboard and grabbed a hold of my waist, preventing me from falling. "Aha, uh thanks for the save"

"Are you okay?" The blue-haired teen asked me as I looked into his pretty blue eyes and I nodded at him.

"Yeah, I'm okay now" I reassure him as I stood up properly as he looked up and down at me, noticing my roller skates, "Ah yeah these are my babies, I still have a lot to learn though"

"Y/n! I saw you almost fell from a distance! Are you okay?!" Reki yelled out in worry as he was trying to catch his breath from running. I turn to look at him and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry," I tell him with a smile.

"Ah good, well you saved our butts transfer student!" Reki said with a happy smile but only for the teen to look at us in confusion as he still held Reki's skateboard. "You don't remember us? I'm Reki Kyan and this is my best friend Y/n L/n, we're in your class"

"I doubt he would remember, dummy, hell I don't remember most of anyone's name from our class" I say earning a pat on my head from Reki who simply chuckled at me.

"That's only because you tend to forget a lot of things and you're slow, but it's okay" He said with a smile making me glare at him from his teasing manner as he then moved his hand off my head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't recall" Langa apologized to us making me smile a bit at him.

"Anyways wanna skate?" Reki suggested to the boy who seemed slightly taken back.

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