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"This is a good thing. They could teach us the things you don't know." Tom reasoned, trying to quell the females rather irrational anger.

"Tom, we've caught the attention of Dumbledore, The king, Queen, and tomorrow we'll catch the attention of the pureblood Ravenclaw party! They know how Slytherin politics work because they grew up on them. When we move our seats up from literally the bottom of the Slytherin table to rather far up they will know something is up. Most of them will suspect you for our rise in power which isn't necessarily a good or bad thing." His companion rambled at him quietly from behind her library book titled 'Spell chaining and camouflage.'

"Why is that?" He asked, tapping his fingers on the table in a rhythmic pattern as he looked into blue eyes. "If you wish to achieve what you desire, we need you to be seen in a good light. I'd rather take the blame for anything that would start unorthodox rumors." She responded, running a hand through her attractively messy hair and he barely held back a snort as her hand got stuck on a tangle.

"Understandable. Speaking of what I want to do, what do you wish to do?" He asked trying to hide the amusement in his voice. Blue eyes narrowed at him and he knew he didn't hide it well enough. "I want to help you achieve what you want to and maybe become a professional duelist." She said putting her book down onto the table and giving him her undivided attention. "A professional duelist. You're sure?" Tom asked looking into her eyes, almost searching for something.

"I think so, yes." She responded with a raised eyebrow. "Alright that's settled. I'll help you achieve your dream as well. As long as you don't leave me?" The last part came out weaker than the rest of his words and she couldn't fight the smile creeping up her face or the slight blush. "I'll be here as long as you'll have me." She said brightly, trying to ignore the fact that his slight insecurity made her feel eminently wanted.

Tom rolled his coal black eyes at her with a flush on his own cheeks and a small, fond smile playing on his lips, "'As long as you'll have me' my arse. You're mine forever. It was just a test to make sure I wouldn't have to cast an imperious on you're arse for the rest of eternity or something."

She couldn't hold back her snort at the irony, "You couldn't keep an imperious curse on me if you tried, Tommy." She knew it would rile the boy up but it was the truth. Black eyes narrowed, "Is that a challenge?" Blue eyes stared into black for a long moment, "It's a fact."

The boy scoffed, dropping the subject because he knew he would only get mad at her. "Why are you reading Hogwarts: A history?" She asked after a moment of silence. "Tell me, Irene. Have you ever heard of The Chamber of Secrets?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, feeling slightly stupid because his main source of information was right in front of him.

The returning smirk she gave him was downright sinister, "I thought you'd never ask."


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