Jake is babysitting his three nephews.
1: Jake
2: Alan
3: Jake's dad
1: -crys-
2: Jake what wrong dude?
3: Jake I'm sorry.
2: What did you do to him?
1: He said he hated me and that he wanted to hurt me.
3: Why are you lieing to him?
2: Get out dad..... NOW!
3: Oh my what you going to do little girl!
2: I said go.
3: No.
1: - Punches dad in the face while crying- Leave me alone! -push out of room locks the doors-
3: Open this door Jake or Alan! NOW!
1: NO YOU JERK! - crys more -
1: No Alan please don't. He wants to hurt me. - crys - Please Alan!!
3: Alan please open the door.
2: -opens the door-
3: -pulls Jake in a corner and punch Jake 8 time in the face-
1: -CRYS-
2: Stop leave him alone!!!
3: Fine!!!
2: Jake I'm so sorry.
1: Then why did you open the door. -get up and runs off-
2: Jake wait please...... -crys-
3: The little girl is crying and The other one left! Hahaha.
2: I'm not a girl and no wonder Jake dose not like you and because of you now he mad at me.
3: Alan no one told you I'm bipolar. I can't control myself when I'm upset or anger. Jake knows this. I'm sorry!
2: -crys- I don't know whats true and whats a lie right now. All I know that Jake might hurt himself agian. -crys more- I know he said he would not hurt himself be now he might do it again. It my falut.
1: - listens to Alan and dad - -walks back in- I'm sorry Alan.
2: -hugs- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Jake.
1: -hugs- Your fine.
3: - walks away -
2: Jake please don't hurt yourself. -crys-
1: I won't ok.
2: -smiles-
1: - looks around room- -grabs a rock- Here take it.
2: But you love this rock.
1: -Smile- and I want you to know that you an awesome brother. Any time I get mad or upset with you then look at it. It never changes. I will always love you as my brother.
2: Thanks!
1: Our mom.
2: Yea.
1: When She passed on. I didn't get to even see her. I wanted to meet her again. My dad kept me from seeing her.
2: She....She....Died. -crys-
1: I'm sorry. Think you need to know.
2: I did.
1: -crys- I did even know her when my dad took me for her.
2: -crys and hugs Jake-
1: -hugs- We got each other now.
2: True.
1: I feel alone even if I'm not.
2: I think I feel the same way.
1: You got more friends than me I bet.
2: No there's something I've hideing.
1: Oh you can tell me.
2: I didn't want to talk about it.
1: Oh ok sorry.