Jake feel so useless! He sits alone on bench and he wanted to die because he know his dad going to die.
1: Jake 2: Jake's dad
1: Dad?
2: Yes.
1: Umm... I'm sorry for what I did that one day. I am so sad knowing you might die. makes me so so anger because I'm a big jerk.
2: Don't be Jake. Your not a jerk. I love you.
1: I love you too.
2: Jake the reason I named you Jake is because I want you to be named after me somewhat.
1: I know.
2: Jake you don't need me. Trust me I'm just nothing.
1: You are something to me! Don't say that dad.
2: Ok
1: Daddy.
2: -look at Jake-
1: Dad
2: - hugs -
1: DAD!
2: Yes. - walks backwards -
1: Why did you do it dad?
2: Do what?
1: Why you were being mean to me all these years?
2: I did want you to be like me. Nice... Soft... Gets upset easily. I got beat up. Then I started drinking when I was 13 of corse it was illegal to get it at a store but my dad gave me it and I kept ask for it. He gave it to me. He was a cool dad. I loves him. He loves me. I wish we were that close. - look disappointed -
1: I wish you would not die. -crys-
2: Jake wanted you to drink because I love you. I just wanted you to try it. I thought you and me to get closer. I know now that I was stupid for drinking like that and for makeing you that one time.
1: I forgave you dad but I hate disobeying you.
2: - starts to drink -
1: - hugs -
2: - Drops the glass -
1: I will do what you ask.
2: I want you to try this but you don't have to.
1: This is alcohol? Will it make you happy.
2: Yes and it will make me happy.
1: Are you sure it will make you happy.
2: Yes it will son.
1: - drinks the alcohol - Ewe! I...I'm sorry. -runs off-
2: -grabs Jake- Your fine Jake. -hugs- that was not alcohol It was grape juice. I know you hated that juice. I was seeing how much you loved me.
1: Oh corse I love you dad. -hugs-
2: Jake I should have let you seen your mother. Here a picture
1: - takes the picture and starts to cry -
2: do not worry you will see her again someday. Maybe she'll forgive me then.
1: Yea while crying. Can I have this.
2:Yes it's of you and her.
1: -crys and smiles- Thanks! -hugs dad-
2: - hugs back -
1: Thank you dad!
2: I wish I could make It up to her.
1: what did you do to her? If you don't mind me asking.
2: I... I... I Broke her heart because I cheated on her but I know it was a mistake saying yes to the other women. I hate myself for it. I loved your mother so much but I had to be stupid. -crys-
1: - hugs -
2: - crys and hugs back -
1: Dad I bet she will forgive h I'll. As long as you love her the way you say you do.
2: But I hurt you guys.
1: That was your Bipolar.
2: I hurt you how could you love me?
1: Because your my dad.
2: SO!
1: And I love you.
1: - crys - Why do you have to do this! When your dieing too!
1: -Crys- Why dad? Why?
2: See you be better off without me! -cry- It's my falt.
1: I need you! I care about you dad! -crys- I would not ask for a better father.
2: - Smiles while crying - I couldn't ask for a better son.
1: But I was just a mistake. You and mom didn't want me.
2: But we loved you anyway. I always loved you as my son. We couldn't let go after you were born.
1: - Looks up and hugs -
2: - hugs back -
1: You need me. I understand now. We need each other.
2: Tommrow is my last day if the doc is right.
1: Please be wrong.
2: Son If I live we will bond. If I die I will always love you as my son.
1: - Hugs -
2: - Hugs back -
1: Try to stay as long as you can.
2: I will. It hurts.