Alan is very angry with jake.
1: Jake 2: Alan 3: Jake's dad
1: Alan please.
2: -burst in the door- yells GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!
3: Alan whats wrong.
1: - crys - I'm sorry Alan.
3: -hugs Jake- Your ok Jake. Alan calm down and tell me the story of what happened.
2: I was telling Jake I'm sorry. He wouldn't forgive me. So I told him. I'm mad at him.
3: what did you tell him exactly as you said?
2: I'M GAY!
3: Alan you need to calm down.
2: I don't care about him.
3: Stop it Alan!
1: - still crying and grabs gun points at my head -
3: Jake please stop. -try to take gun-
1: - Slowy points gun at Alan while crying -
2: Jake please calm down I'm sorry.
1: - Point back at self -
3: STOP -Takes gun-
2: -hugs Jake- I should have trusted you. I'm sorry.
1: -hugs back-
3: Jake you need to stop and think.
2: - look in to Jake's eyes and smiles -
1: - still crying while looking a the floor -
3: - helps Jake up and leads to a chair -
1: - sits down and crys -
2: - sits next to Jake and Talks to him about it. -
1: - hugs and crys -
2: - hugs -
1: - Gets up and hides in the a secret I found and crys -
2: Jake please come back.
3: He just needs to be alone.
2: This is all my falut.
3: No Alan it's not your fualt.
2: Ok daddy. Your ok with me being like that right.
3: Yea son.
2: - hugs -
3: - hugs back -
2: Daddy?
3: Yes son.
2: I think you hate me for this.
3: No Alan I don't.