2. Scotland

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Everyone seemed pretty eager to get a move on once Steve reported Bruce's news

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Everyone seemed pretty eager to get a move on once Steve reported Bruce's news. While his return brought surprise to us all, his message had sobered us pretty quickly. There wasn't time to rejoice his return to Earth, we had work to do.

With urgency, we got to Scotland. Once we were there, we looked up Wanda's tracker. It wasn't the greatest of ideas, considering we were wanted and if someone else was looking for us they could try and trace us this way, but it was a big help.

Wanda wasn't stationary, she was on the move. And judging by how haphazardly she was moving, something was up.

Sam and I took to the skies; Natasha, Todd, and Steve all on the ground. Sam had the better tech for scouting, so I kept close by him. In the span of two years, I learned how to push some of my fire power out from my feet when I wore my suit. It made flying easier and it took some time to adjust. A sweet feature I hadn't discovered was the boots that I wore along with my suit—the flames couldn't touch them.

I made sure to never lose them.

"We're getting close, be ready," said Steve through comms. "Find anything up there, you guys?"

"Sam's working on it," I said. Scotland was quiet, we were seeking out the one spot that was being disrupted.

Wanda, I reached out. If you have a second, try and give us an idea as to where you are. We know Vision is in danger, we're here to help.

I received no answer.

I wasn't letting up. Wanda, hang in there, we're hurrying as best as we can. Defend Vision until we arrive. I hoped she got the messages and that she hadn't been...

"I've got eyes on Vision and Wanda," came Steve. "Move in."

"We're on our way," said Todd.

"Sam?" I asked.

"Working on it. Wait, there!" Sam pointed downwards.

I saw spots of Wanda's red magic in the shelter of a train station. She had Vision protected, who looked to be...in pain. Can androids feel pain? There were two figures opposing Wanda, both with lethal-looking weapons.

A train swept on by the tracks behind Wanda and Vision. It seemed everyone on the ground took notice of the distraction. Once it disappeared, one of the enemies threw their weapon, only to have it caught by Steve in the shadows.

"He certainly likes to make an entrance," Sam commented to me.

I chuckled. "That's my husband for you."

Simultaneously, Sam and I swooped into the fray, Sam colliding his feet with the female alien with blue skin. She got launched out of the battle area. I took the larger male alien, shooting fireballs his way until I could land, with assistance from Sam. As I got feet on the ground, Steve tossed the weapon that had tried to cut into him to Natasha, who ran in with Todd close on her heels. The alien swung for Natasha, to which she ducked, then stabbed the alien in the gut. She gave a flying kick, sending him backward.

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