5. Taking a Stand

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    There was a little more conversation before the rest of our group, minus Vision and Wanda, headed for outside

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    There was a little more conversation before the rest of our group, minus Vision and Wanda, headed for outside. Aria had tried to insist on staying with Wanda, but I convinced her she was more useful out on the field. She wasn't happy about it, but she saw my point in the end. Todd's additional opinion helped as well.

"I can't remember the last time I fought alongside you," Todd commented as we left the building. Hovering carriers awaited to take us further out into the open grounds.

"It's been a while. I hope Natasha has kept you in shape."

"She always keeps me on my toes. Can't say that I'm at her level though, not yet."

"At least you admit it." Though I had a smile on my face, it felt sad more than anything.

Wakandan carriers shipped us off to the front lines. Above, Sam and Rhodey flew ahead in their respective suits. Aria took the air after a time, complaining about how slowly we were moving. I kept in the carrier. I was better on the ground than in the air.

Natasha, Steve, myself, Bucky, and Todd were all crowded together in a carrier. Bruce had decided to opt for the Hulkbuster armor, since apparently the big guy was having a hard time showing up for big events.

"How we looking, Bruce?" Nat asked through comms.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually—" There was some sort of commotion over comms. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"So, not quite like being the Hulk," I noted, chuckling.

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line," reported Rhodey.

The carrier pilots swerved the vehicles to allow soldiers and others to slide off them to join the rest of the ranks that were already assembled. Todd and I maneuvered to the front with Steve, Bucky, and Nat. T'Challa was suited up in his panther outfit, wandering over to speak to a bulky man with leagues of strong men behind him.

If it had just been our small group, we wouldn't stand a chance. It was an unspoken truth. With the magnitude of this situation, any helping hand was appreciated. Our thanks won't be enough if we succeed. We are asking so much of them. We've brought the war to their territory and they are willing to meet it.

T'Challa, Steve, and Nat walked their way through the open lands towards the edge of the barrier, where the two aliens stood. The rest of us hung back. There was no way that the three would convince the aliens to surrender and turn tail.

"You know, for an agent, you sure lack weaponry," I teased Todd. "You're fortunate the Wakandans allowed you a weapon." I hadn't heard the specifics of what it did, but as long as it protected Todd, I could accept it.

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