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Josh's entry

I stare blankly into my wardrobe. I really don't know what to wear to meet Jen at Starbucks. I can't wait to properly meet her. After about 10 minutes of thinking about what I should wear, I decide to put on a white polo shirt and jeans.

My phone bleeps. It's Jen.

"Hi Josh. Still fancy Starbucks?"

I reply almost immediately.

"Yeah. Can't wait :)"

I spray on some cologne and then go downstairs, grab my car keys, wallet and phone. Before walking out of the door, I quickly put my shades on. There is paparazzi outside. They annoy me so much. I try to escape the crowd that suddenly emerges around me. Flash, question, flash, question. With a bit of struggle, I make my way through the crowd and finally get into my car. I drive to Starbucks.

I arrive at Starbucks and see Jen sipping away at her coffee. She waves at me to come over. She gives me a hug before I sit down. Jen's perfume smells so nice. "Hey Josh." She smiles and her eyes sparkle. We stay in Starbucks for a while and then we go to the movies. It was so fun. It wasn't really like a date, it was more like two friends meeting up. I feel like I've known Jen my whole life.

Jen's entry

I wake up to the sound of my phone beeping. Josh had text me before I went to sleep last night.
" Thanks for a nice day yesterday. Really can't wait for filming :)" I smiled to myself. I don't really like Josh in like a boyfriend sort of way, more like a best friend sort of way.

Today at around 1 ish, I have to head down to the studio to work on characters, lines and things like that. I can't wait to meet the rest of the cast. I eat some cereal, shower and then get dressed.

Suddenly, I hear a knock at my door. It'll probably be paparazzi or someone trying to sell something. To my suprise, it's Josh. "Hey" I say and I gesture him to come in to my house. "Hey Jen. Would you like me to give you a ride to the studio?" He says, with a smile. He's wearing jeans with a nice shirt. I guess he wants to look smart for the rest of the cast. "Josh, that's so kind of you. Thank you." I smile. "Oh, you left this in my car yesterday when I dropped you off home." He hands me my charm bracelet. "Thanks Josh." We talk for a while at my house and then we head to the studio in Josh's car. The radio is on loud and me and Josh are singing away. I feel like I've known Josh my whole life.

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