Part 6: Pay up

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My attempt at drawing Kyle digital, wonky Kyle

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My attempt at drawing Kyle digital, wonky Kyle. he looks like a baby ver of kuroo honestly.

As always grammar mistakes and this chap is kinda short
The next day

Kenma and Kyle had just left their apartment, Kenma held Kyle's hand as they walked down the stair's.

Taking slow small steps since kyle was a bit blurry in the mornings.

It was about 7.45 right now, he was a little bit late but not that matters.

Kenma thought Kyle would already be sleeping by 8 yesterday, turns out he didn't, and cried the few hours Kenma had been gone.

So Kyle is a little bit cranky right now, not much Kenma can do if I say.

They continued walking down the street, Kyle wanted Kenma to carry him but he declined. He couldn't.

'Ma...up!' Kyle walked in-front of kenma clinging onto his legs, trying to climb on Kenma.

Kenma knew Kyle was cranky but he needs to get to school before it gets too late ' Kyle, baby please. Walk a little while more? You'll get to see Mrs. Tori and your other friends at the daycare. Yeah?' Kenma tried reasoning kyle but he just wouldn't give in.

Kyle started crying not long after, trying over and over to climb on top of Kenma.

Kyle cried louder as Kenma kept stopping him.

'Baby shhhh'kenma squatted down and Kyle hugged Kenma around the neck. Trying to use his legs to get on Kenma.

Kenma couldn't carry Kyle at all so Kyle cried even louder, the very few people that passed by gave them a very irritated stare as it was still pretty early.

Kenma sighed, he brought a crying Kyle back home .

'Baby shhh, okay? Mama's here' Kenma hugged kyle as he locked the door.

Kenma checked the clock and it was 7.55 am and he was indeed very late.

Kenma sighed

"One day wouldn't hurt, right? Yeah I guess" Kenma brought Kyle to the bedroom, sitting on the bed while Kyle cuddled into Kenma.

Kyle's breathing uneven and he was sweaty.

Kenma placed Kyle on top of him, patting Kyle's head down so he can lay his head on his chest.

'Oh dear, we need to get you a bath' Kenma said as he pushed Kyle's hair out of his face.

'Baby, let's get you a bath yeah? We can sleep after' Kenma slowly pushed Kyle off his lap and stood up.

Kyle laid on the bed, looking up at Kenma.

'Your so cute' Kenma chuckled, rubbing kyle's cheek and walking into the bathroom to get ready the bath.

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