Part 17: Everything's just wrong

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Sorry, I'm so sorry for the late update. It was around 4am (I stayed up doing fanfic commission on my Instagram) when I started and now it's 6am and i was actually about to sleep but I just remembered I promised a chapter by Friday and it's Sunday already.

Grammar mistakes ‼️‼️‼️❗️❗️

"Were over"

Yuna's ear started to ring, the words repeating inside her head over and over again.

"Huh, what do you mean baby, its a joke right?" Yuna thought in denial, looking with her scared amber eyes into Kuroo's fed-up ones.

Yuna looked around the room with tears already forming in her eyes, her chest feeling tight and her hands practically squeezing themselves white

Scanning the room for a certain someone, a certain someone that has a baby. You can say she's been lurking over kenma ever since he laid eyes on her "hubby" Kuroo.

Kenma couldn't see Yuna because of the crowd that was forming, not like he wanted to be seen or anything but he just couldn't see what was happening.

Kenma could hear Kyle starting to groan, his little hands started to grip tightly onto Kenma's shirt.

Even if kenma wished he could stay to see what was going on, he couldn't. Kenma got up and slid through the crowd we ease, making sure he had something to cover Kyle's ear from the noise.

Yuna looked and looked, all she saw were unfamiliar faces. Faces that isn't kenma.

"What is she trying to do..." bokuto whispered to kuroo

"I don't know"

Yuna started walking angrily towards the entrance, where kenma would now be walking out of. No one knew how Yuna spotted kenma but it seems that she looks like she wants someone dead.

Kenma had no clue that Yuna was following, even when her heels had been so loud of how angrily she walked. Kuroo watched from afar. He always does, every single time he was to blame himself.

At that same moment, Kuroo saw kenma pulled down by the hair, not even a second after blinking. Everything was so slow, his eyes, his hands, legs, his mind.

He watched and watched, kenma being dragged by the hair inside the cafeteria. Kuroo soon dropped to his knees, his body suddenly feeling light and empty.

Kuroo didn't know what was happening to him, he needed to help kenma. Kuroo lifted his head a little, it was blurry but he could see Kyle on the floor crying while kenma was being tackled by Yuna.

His heart dropped, he couldn't lift even a finger. Soon enough his eyes start to blacken and his body going slump on the floor.

bokuto and akaashi rushed to help Kuroo but not kenma, they were so worried about Kuroo they completely blocked out the loud screaming.

Kenma was as confused as Kuroo was, he managed to put Kyle aside and away from Yuna but he was being choked and held down by the neck. He kicked his feet, wanting her to let go of him.

"Why, why do you have to take everything away from me. Is it because of that stupid baby? Should I choke him to death like what I'm doing to you now? it's all your fault...."

Yuna started to loosen her grip on kenma, with Kenma's fast reflexes. He pushed Yuna off him as hard as he could, stumbling as he stood up. Picking up Kyle and ran as fast as he could.

"I'm sorry baby, I won't let anyone touch you...ever"


Kuroo woke up to the sun shining in his eyes, his blurry eyes slowly turning clear again. He observed his surroundings, a hospital bed. An IV drip connected to his arm, noticing that akaashi and bokuto were in the same room as him. Soundly asleep together on the floor, cuddled up with each other.

Where's kenma? is he okay, is kyle okay? Please tell me they are.

kuroo groaned, a sudden spike in the head caused him a headache as he laid his head back down. Kuroo opened his eyes once again, somehow laying eyes on a familiar bee bag. Kyle's bee bag.

'They're here, where are they?' Kuroo thought, his heart was beating at a very concerning speed. He was worried for them, he swore to himself if he saw a single bruise on either one of them. He's going to go rogue.

Kuroo waited and waited, he just laid there looking back and forward from the door to the clock.

Just someone, anyone.

Kuroo grew tired and fell back into his little slumber but when he did, Kenma and Kyle have just come in. Slowly but steadily.

Supposedly Kenma was bringing Kyle outside for some fresh air but Kyle wanted to stay at the park a little while more.

Well anyways, Kenma brought back some onigiri and some chicken noodle soup from the convenience store nearby the park.

Not to mention a small yogurt pack for Kyle, just to keep him quiet while he prepares everything.

He knows that what had happened two days ago could seriously be involved with the police but since he nor kuroo was in the capability to do anything yet. He decided to just leave it for now, Kenma doesn't want that woman not even a building close to Kyle.

Kenma set aside the food and sat down beside Kyle, he was sitting on the table holding his pacifier while it was in his mouth.

Bokuto, Akaashi, and kuroo were still fast asleep. Kenma slowly opened the yogurt packet, twisting the cap as he took out Kyle's pacifier.

Kyle saw the yogurt packet and immediately started smiling, clapping his hands and moving his arms and legs with excitement.

Kenma held control of the yogurt packet, not wanting Kyle to drink so much all at once. He'll grow up to be a tall and strong man, he knows it. Though Kyle is a little bit on the chubbier side now he'll cherish it any. It's cute.

"I'm here baby"
"Yes baby"
"I'm all ears baby"


Luv y'all

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