Part 16: You promised!!

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(sorry i didnt know what happen, the chapter didnt load fully)

Hello again! I hope you're doing well. (please read the note at the ending aswell<3)

I don't really have a serious reason why I haven't been posting but I realized that I have to catch up on school (a lot). don't worry, I will never drop this story, and as long as all of you are here to read. Oh and if you need any updates, please head to my profile for more updates.

-Luv author


Today was a bright sunny morning, the birds singing and the trees blew a soft rustle. Kenma and Kyle on the way to school, after the many days they and kuroo had skipped. It was finally time to head back and finish up his semester studies.

Kyle as energetic as always excited to see his friends back at the nursery and so as Mrs. Tori which he misses dearly.

Today he and kuroo promised to have some distance between them, he also promised he'd end his and Yuna's relationship for good.

Seeing Kyle running recklessly into the nursery, practically shouting as he saw his friends.

'Oh my!! Kenma where have you been these few days!' Mrs. Tori brought Kenma into a big tight hug, squeezing his body till his face went pale.

'Mama!! ' Kyle came up running behind Mrs. Tori, requesting for his little bee bad from Kenma.

'Ah, good to see you too Mr. Kyle' careful hands caress the small child's head.

Kenma said his goodbyes and headed to his first class of the day.


Kuroo's morning wasn't very pleasant after Kenma and Kyle left after he bid them farewell. Kuroo decided to turn on his phone again, only to be welcomed by yet again by a ton of messages from the one and only Yuna.

Missed calls, long messages, short messages, more calls. You name it, kuroo's got it.

He swore to Kenma that he would end this with her, he just needed a little bit of time to do so. Someone as chaotic and crazy as her is bound to get someone hurt somehow.

He sat down on the messy bed, caused by the activities last night, and no, it's not what you think it is. Throwing his phone to the side and muffling into his pillow.

How annoying

He groaned and sighed so many times, frustrated on how he's supposed to break up with someone like her, he never loved her. It was just a matter of fame cuz of Yuna's looks. They looked like a pair match made in heaven but that doesn't change how he feels about her. He loved kenma but chose to push him away. He's trying to mend this relationship, it's all he could do as of the moment.

Maybe he could do it today and have the rest of the week to him and kenma ( and the baby). Kuroo thought in frustration, he wasn't planning to go to school today but he'd rather end it now than wait till later.

kuroo whined like a baby, groaning into his pillow again. Kuroo's hand ruffled through his hair before standing up again, throwing his towel over his shoulder before heading into the bathroom.

At school

Kuroo had met up with bokuto and akaashi that morning, Kuroo wore something not so bright and outstanding like when he used to, just a plain shirt and some techwear pants.

As soon as the three arrived, they immediately saw Yuna out-front of the campus nervously walking back and forward with her phone in her hand.

"she's crazy for fucks sake, how am I suppose to get inside." Kuroo major shivers just by looking at her.


"you both stay here, ill bring her somewhere, and when I do. Run inside" Bokuto and kuroo agreed, seeing akaashi walk up to Yuna.

"akaashi is a lifesaver for real" kuroo sighed, leaning his throbbing head on bokuto's shoulder.

"We owe it to you anyways" bokuto pats kuroo's broad back.

Bokuto watched from afar, the struggling akaashi trying to convince her that he'll help her find kuroo. Akaashi brought her back around campus, meaning around the back.

"I swear, what made you think Yuna was a good person to date" bokuto complained as the two raced inside the school." oh shut up" kuroo playfully hits bokuto's waist.

"ah~" bokuto moaned


'PFFT AHA WHAT WAS THAT" kuroo laughed

"SHUT UP DIRTBAG, IM SENSITIVE OKAY?" bokuto covered his face in embarrassment, only akaashi knows he's sensitive there but now kuroo knows.

(ayo but top akaashi)

"what are you doing to bokuto..." akaashi sighed


It was about time his lesson ended, Kuroo texted him not long ago that he wanted to meet up at 4.00 later and he agreed. it was 3.40 as of right now and he had just picked up kyle, he looked so happy with his friends and he'll keep it that way. He'll hide the truth from him as long as he's alive, kenma didn't want to hurt him.

He was just about to enter the cafeteria area, stopping in his footsteps as soon as he saw kuroo and Yuna together. Kuroo was sitting down with bokuto and akaashi, doing something that required his laptop. Yuna was standing beside them, she looked rather angry at that.

Kenma sneaked in and sat at the farthest seat from them, hidden but a great view.

Kenma couldn't hear anything but he could see well enough, Kyle just had his milk and now kenma is putting him to sleep on his shoulder. Covering his head with his jacket as he slept, babies tend to sleep a lot from Kenma's point of view.

Kenma watched and watched, seems like Yuna was angry at Kuroo but Kuroo couldn't even spare an eye in contact to her at all.

Just as kenma went to check if Kyle was sleeping or not (he is)...."Just listen to me for once!!" Yuna shouted with a loud sound of a slap. Yuna just kept slapping Kuroo, every slap went harder and harder each time. After what seems like a long time, Yuna finally stopped. Her anger perished like stars when the sun rises.


"baby.....?" kuroo stood up from his seat, leaning down beside Yuna's ear.

"we're over..."


(as an author, I don't expect many people to like my plot or writing. Please never steal or copy my plot. Even if you just ask me, I would appreciate it. Telling me to die, kill myself, jump off a bridge is not nice. I might feel like I'm being treated differently than other authors. Not only do I love the community I've built just with my story but I feel unsafe. There's this one particular person that I told you earlier on that copied my story and I despise them wholeheartedly. I don't care if you've apologized, I still will hate you with all my heart.

I apologize for this, I just had to. During my hiatus, I've experienced this and people think it's okay to copy me(no credits, mentions and instead claiming it as their own) just because I haven't posted in a long time. )

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