chapter 30

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"Here, drink this."

Seokjin hands a cup to his Prince. Before Hoseok gets the cup, Yoongi hurried to them and took the cup from seokjin. He turned to his husband and feeds him the medicine. He tried so hard to not break down in front of his husband.

Hoseok looked at his husband with tear eyes. He opened his mouth and drinks the bitter medicine. His face twisted in disgust when the medicine hits his tongue, which made Yoongi to panic.

"My love, are..are you okay?" Yoongi asked his beloved.

Hoseok turned to Seokjin and smiled, "Thank you so much, hyung. Can you please leave now?"

Seokjin nods his head and stood up.

"Hoseok, remember, don't eat anything spicy or sweet for two days. And, don't eat hot foods."

Hoseok nods his head. Seokjin ruffled his hair which made Yoongi to hold the cup so tight. It's at the verge of breaking.

"Take care, seokie. Please, I didn't told our king because of your request. But, don't expect me to be quiet if this repeats again."

Seokjin warned him. Hoseok nods his head and looked down. As soon as Seokjin left, Hoseok pulled his husband for a kiss. They both cried in the kiss. Hoseok didn't broke the kiss when the other tried to break it. He pulled the other's head closer. Tears started to wash their face.

Yoongi can't keep on kissing. He broke the kiss and cupped others cheeks. Their foreheads met.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, my love. Please, forgive me." Yoongi chocked in his cry.

Hoseok bites his lips to muffle his cry. He pulled his husband for another kiss but the other didn't let him. He don't want his husband to feel guilty.

"Yoongi, it's okay. Everything is fine. Our baby is fine. I'm fine. Please, don't...don't cry." He hiccups.

Yoongi shakes his head and wiped his face. He tried to smile but he failed big time. He don't want his husband to worry about him.

"I'm not crying, my love. Look, I'm just happy that I got you back. Please, stop crying. It's not good for your health and our baby too."

Yoongi wiped his husband's face and kissed all over his face. They both got calmed down and cuddled on the bed. Yoongi placed his hand over other's stomach protective. He kissed his husband's forehead and didn't broke the kiss.

"Yoongi...." Hoseok said in a tired tone.

Yoongi broke the kiss, " Please, don't leave me." He breathed out.

Hoseok pulled the other closer as much as possible. He hugged him so tight. He smiled when his husband placed his head over his chest. He hugged his head and played with his hair. Yoongi never laid over his chest. This is the first time. Hoseok realised how much vulnerable his husband was.

"I'd never leave you. No matter what happens. I'll stay with you. I already told you Yoongi. I'll always choose you over anyone. Why are you scared that I'll leave you?"

Hoseok heart broke when he heard his husband's sobs. He tried to break the hug and look into others face but the other shakes his head and hugged him tighter.

Hoseok smiled, "My King, show me your handsome face."

Yoongi shakes his head. Hoseok chuckled and played with other's hair.

"Why? Oh my god, don't tell me The great King, Min Yoongi was blushing." He giggled.

Yoongi groaned and shows his face to his husband. Hoseok heart broke looking at his husband's swollen eyes and face, his nose were red. But, he didn't showed it to other. Instead, he smiled and pulled his husband's face and kissed his nose.

My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now