Getting answers...and a date?

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Kion and Kiara slept with each other while Nala was just in awe thinking of how Kion and her date would go.

"It's not a date if he and I aren't together...but I can call it a date if I want." Nala thought to herself.

"Nala is still awake... probably thinking about Kion, ugh, can't she stop thinking about him for atleast one second?" Simba thought.

Kion then got up and left the cave, Nala soon went after him, and saw how sad he was, she then went to Kion, startling him a little.

"Oh, hey Nala, sorry if I woke you up, I guess I'm a little bit...well...sad since you and Simba are the only friends Kiara and I have ever had." Kion said lying to Nala in a sad tone.

"Oh Kion." Nala said as she went and nuzzled his chest which made Kion blush. Luckily it was still a little dark so Nala couldn't see.

"T-thanks Nala, you know, I'm kinda tired now, can't wait for us to hang out tomorrow." Kion said stuttering a little.

"Your welcome Kion. You know, your kinda cute when you stutter." Nala realized what she said and instantly blushed, trying not to let Kion see herself.

"No!! I-I meant I think your kinda hot. No I-I meant your handsome. No I meant (STUPID MOUTH!!) it's really no problem." Nala said telling alot of truths.

" *nervous chuckle* Yeah, ok Nala, let's just get some sleep, we'll talk about it in the morning." Kion said a little bit rush because he and his mother would be on a date.

"Mom is really cute when she stutters too. What am I thinking, she's my own mother!" Kion thought to himself.

"You know what Nala, you should sleep, it's really late and I'll be right with you in a few minutes. I just need to clear my thoughts and I'll be there with you." Kion said.

"Wait your gonna sleep with me?!" Nala said surprised and happy.

"If I say no, it'll ruin mom's smile. But if I say could be more weird for me and more good for her." Kion thought but had his answer.

"No Nala I meant that I was gonna be with you in the cave, but if you want then you could sleep with me." Kion said yes to Nala but wanted her to sleep with him rather sleeping with her.

" *squeal* I can't wait, meet you when your done with whatever your doing Kion." Nala said walking down the steps of Pride rock.

"Ahhhh jeez this is getting a little out of paw now. Hmm, how will we be able to get back home now with this  messed up timeline or whatever it's called. Maybe Rafiki came back. I'll go to his tree and find out." Kion said whilst talking to himself.

Kion went to Rafiki's tree and he was there. Kion had no idea what to say...but he knew what to say.

Kion then made his way up to the top of the tree and asked if he could come in. The mandrill said yes and Kion went in.

"So Kion, what is the leader of the Lion Guard doing in the past? With the future Queen nonetheless." Rafiki said which made Kion jump and question him.

"Do you know who our parents are Rafiki?" Kion asked.

"I do, but there aren't your parents when you find a way to get back home. I must say you almost fooled me Kion...or should I say Prince Kion." Rafiki knew all about Kion and Kiara but didn't tell Kion how he knew.

"How did you know that? Why do you know that? And most importantly, how do we get back?" Kion said with a barrage of questions, which Rafiki then easily gave him answers.

"Now Kion, I will explain to you how I know all of this." Rafiki began.

"I'm a mandrill, but in every timeline, in every universe, I exist in. I know what is in store for the future and what happened in the past, like right now. Kion, I know this isn't supposed to happen, but you and Kiara should go in 3 day's back home, I'll tell you how you can get back home when the 3 days are over. Now you should get back to sleep, Nala is getting a little mad." Rafiki said.

"Oh shoot ok yeah I'll do that. Thank you so much Rafiki." Kion said before climbing down the tree and making his way up to Pride rock.

"Sorry I'm late Nala I was really embarrassed about what went down up there but I'm here now so let's sleep." Kion said laying next to his sister and mother.

"It's ok Kion. Your here, that's all that matter's now." Nala said as she went closer to Kion and somehow was able to cuddle with him.

Morning finally arrived, and Kion got up earlier then everyone else, mainly because of his schedule when he patrols the Pride Lands.

Kion then woke up Kiara who was still asleep considering she never wakes up this late.

"Kion it's really early, why are you awake?" Kiara asked.

"You know why, and I wanted to show you something I found while roaming the Pride Lands." Kion said which Kiara instantly shot up to.

The royal pair then went to the Lion Guard lair, where Kion told Kiara about what Rafiki said to him, and how long before they were able to get back home.

"So this is the first day, we probably have to wait the rest of the days out then. Oh, and Kion I heard that mom and you were cuddling? Is that true?" Kiara asked and then got a no from Kion.

"No she cuddled with me, without my consent." Kion defended himself.

Kiara rolled her eyes and said, "Yet you cuddle with our mom all the time." Kiara fought back.

"So do you." Kion fought again.

"Anyways you should probably get to your date with mom. Blugh! Sounds so gross." Kiara said.

"Ok then. See you sis." Kion said before leaving the cave.

Nala woke up looking for Kion so she went outside and saw him coming from behind Pride rock.

"Kion? What we're you doing behind Pride rock?" Nala asked in which Kion had a smirk on his face.

"Kiara and I found this while roaming around. Check it out." Kion said before grabbing Nala's paw and walking through the vines, into the hidden cave.

"There are some paintings here...but I don't know who these animals are. Any clue Nala?" Kion asked Nala.

"Nooooo, but this would be a nice place to hangout. And I'll ask Mufasa about this place, later tho." Nala said with a smile on her face.

Nala was asking alot of questions to Kion, which were more personal than expected. One question came out of Nala's mouth which made Kion think of an excuse. And this is what Nala said.

"Do you have an aunt or uncle that isn't dead?" She said.

"Yeah we have...or should i say had and Uncle, his name was Nakano. And I'm not sure if he's still alive tho, maybe he is maybe he's not." Kion said.

"Well, Kion... I actually wanted to tell you, if you wanted to go out with me." Nala blurted out blushing a little.

"Aren't we already going out? Oh! You meant as a couple. Uhm...not to be rude Nala...but this is all to sudden for me. Can I think about it, and get back to you on that. Okay?" Kion asked Nala.

"Sure, but for how long do you want to wait?" Nala asked Kion. Kion then said 2-3hours, or when his ready.

"Ok, it's fine. Come to me when you have your answer. I'll be with Simba, so seeya." Nala said before leaving the cave.

"WHAT AM I GONNA DO!! WHAT AM I GONNA DO!!" Kion panicked.

"*Ahem* Kion stop running around like a crazy hyena and start acting like an adult." Kiara said after she came out of the cave they were in before the whole time travel thing happened.

"Well they way we came from doesn't work, but I sure know that mom is hella crazy for you." Kiara said laughing at her own joke.

"Haha, very funny Kiara. Did you listen in on our conversation by any chance?" Kion questioned his sister.

"Oh boy did I?! Well mom is probably gonna be heartbroken if you say no. And mom is gonna be all over you with kisses if you say yes. So they are both bad options. But let's just go for now to the watering hole." Kiara said which Kion didn't really agree to but did anyways.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very long chapter and this one was as long as my other books chapters so BIG bonus for me and for all the support I've been getting. Thank you all and I'll see you all in the next one BYEEEEE. And also pls hit that vote button and comment on what you all thinked of this chapter. Now for real. BYEEEEEEE.

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