Time to Talk

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Lucy has no idea why she agreed. She can feel her anxiety rise as Natsu closes the door behind them in a small little room Gray let them use for their 'little talk'. It was better to just do it now and get it over with, but Lucy's brain was screaming at her to run, hide, do something, just get out of here.

But there was nowhere to go. Natsu was standing in front of the door, blocking her only exit. Perhaps she could jump out the window,....But there was no way getting around this talk. It was already long overdue. And so there she stood, heart racing a mile a minute.

"Lucy, I-" "I'm sorry!!!" Lucy interrupted, hanging her head "I shouldn't have done anything and especially not just run away afterwards. I apologize! It didn't mean anything!" It's silent for a minute before Natsu quietly speaks up "it didn't?"

Lucy hesitates. She should tell the truth. She should. Just get it out. But her mind keeps screaming at her to deny, deny, deny everything!! You'll be safer that way. "It-,...it didn't. It was an,...accident." Natsu stays silent, making Lucy look up at him in confusion. "Oh." He looks up at her hesitantly, a sad smile on his face "that's,..." he sighs "I'll go then. Thanks for,...explaining."

He leaves the room without saying anything else, leaving Lucy to stand in the room in complete confusion. She walks back to her spot on the couch, plopping down between the girls. "So?" they all ask, leaning in "how'd it go??"

Lucy takes a deep breath, shaky as she exhales "girls,..." her face falls with her realization "I think I just made things a whole lot worse."


The ride home was silent. She attempted to stop Natsu to talk to him, but each time he brushed her off with a fake smile and a "not now." Lucy sighed sadly in the backseat, chin propped up on her hand as she stared out the window.

She had to fix his, she knew, but she had no idea how. Especially when Natsu ignored her when she so much as looked his way. She met Gray's worried look in the rear-view mirror. They stared at each other before Lucy just shrugged, looking back out the window. She bit her lip. This couldn't just end like this, could it? Especially before it all even begun.

When they got to the apartment, Natsu politely thanked the couple at the front for the ride and for the night, before pushing open the door and stepping out. Before Lucy had a chance to open her door though, Gray locked it, turning around in his seat to face him "Talk to him."

She groaned, flopping back in her seat "how?!? He won't so much as look at me!!" Juvia turned around hesitantly "you can try cornering him?" Lucy stared her down before sighing, closing her eyes "you know what, that might be my only chance at this point."

She looked up, forcing a small smile at the two "thanks. For everything." They smiled back at her, before Gray pushed himself up towards herself a bit "you know what, c'mere." Lucy chuckled, wiping her watery eyes as she leaned forwards. It was a bit awkward and uncomfortable, but the three of them managed a group hug in the cramped car.

She sniffled as they pulled apart. "no. No tears" Juvia handed her a tissue. Lucy chuckled, taking it gratefully. They sat for a few silent moment, before Lucy said her goodbyes, giving each a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before she slipped out into the dark.

Right before they pulled out of the parking lot, Gray rolled down his window and yelled "go get your manz!" earning a loud smack from Juvia. Lucy rolled her eyes as she laughed, waving at them once more before she entered the building. Gray always knew how to cheer her up.

She checked her mailbox before moving to the stairs, stopping short before bumping into a familiar someone. "Oh, uh, hi" she looked up at Natsu "I thought you already left." A corner of his mouth lifted "it wouldn't be very proper of me to not walk the lady home."

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