Losing Innocence

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Lucy woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes wafting into the room. She stretched, feeling fully rested as she smiled. Happy hopped up onto her stomach meowing at her and she leaned over kissing his forehead "you gave us quite a scare. Good thing you're okay."

He meowed at her again, brushing up against her face, nuzzling her as he purred, before hopping down and disappearing into the kitchen. She leaned her head back again, smiling to herself as her brain replayed yesterdays events.

After lazily laying around for a while longer, she finally peeled herself off the couch, following the smell into the kitchen. Happy was bent over his bowls in the corner and Natsu stood by the oven, with a bowl and the waffle iron.

Lucy padded in quietly, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his bare back between his shoulder blades. Natsu smiled, patting her arm "Good morning." She just hummed into his skin in response, her own smile stuck on her face.

The sizzling sound of waffles cooking filled the air as Natsu poured another batch. He closed the latch on it, before placing his hands on hers again "sleep well?" She nodded against his back "I had my 'sleep catcher' with me didn't I?"

He chuckled, pulling out a glass of coffee from further up the counter, reaching behind himself to hand it to Lucy. She took a sip, and he took the moment to grab her hand and twirl her as he turned around.

He smiled, leaning over to peck her lips "good morning." She smiled up at him, giving him another kiss "good morning." He turned back, popping the new waffles out onto the plate and pouring another batch "hungry?"

She peeked over his shoulder stacked high with waffles "I never knew you could cook?" He laughed, raising an eyebrow at her "if sandwiches and a few breakfast foods count as cooking then yeah, sure." She laughed too, taking another sip of coffee.

She helped him place the plates and cutlery on the table, along with some jam, syrup and spreads, Happy weaving between their legs. Once the waffle iron was turned off, they grabbed their coffee's and pile of pancakes, settling at the island.

Breakfast was full of teasing and playful bickering as they flirted and just relished each others company. It had been so long since they had spent any time together after all. After breakfast they cleaned up together and settled on the couch.

Neither of them had any work to do that day, Natsu having earlier called in about Happy so he was off until tomorrow. Lucy had been stress working, being ahead in all of her projects so she was allowed to take a break as well.

That made today the perfect day for a lazy morning. And afternoon. Heck, just a lazy day. They settled on the couch together, Lucy leaning back against Natsu's shoulder with his arm wrapped around her, Happy jumping up to curl up in her lap.

It was perfect. Lucy was at max content level, her fingers running softly through Happy's fur as he purred, her eyes lazily roaming the TV as Natsu scrolled through the channels.

Here Lucy was, in the middle of a world crisis, but she felt happier than she had in a while. She had someone to be by her side at all times, while the rest of the world crashed and burned outside their windows.

With a sly smile, she pulled up her chat with Gray, prepared to tease him a little bit.

Lucy: Hey~
Big Bro: smnes in a good mood! Wsp?

Lucy smirked, snapping a quick selfie of herself wrapped in Natsu,s arms, leaning against him with Happy on her lap. She sent it off and waited for a response.

Big Bro: AdjkhiuSJhgb
Big Bro: ?!?!!!!!!?

Lucy giggled, and Natsu looked over her, smirking when he saw the chat. She smiled up at him, opening her camera again "hey, hey, I have an idea, come here!"
She pressed start on the video, leaning up to press a quick kiss to Natsu's lips, winking and sticking her tongue out at the camera when she pulled back. She sent that off to Gray as well.

Big Bro: ?!????!!!!!
Big Bro: fiNALLY?!?

Lucy laughed. A second later, there was the notification of Gray calling with a group chat. Lucy laughed again and Natsu chuckled, shutting off the tv. Right before she accepted the call, Natsu pulled her face towards himself "wait, let's do something,."

He hit on the answer button just as he slid his lips against Lucy's chuckling into her mouth at the squawk that came through the speaker. He pulled off her reluctantly, pressing one more quick kiss "oh, hey Gray. Didn't see you there!"

Gray scoffed, leaning into the camera so that his face covered the screen "Bullshit. I demand answers right. This. Instant." Lucy giggled "what's there to explain? I have no idea what you're talking about."

She leaned farther back against Natsu's chest, and he wrapped his arm tighter around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. At that moment, Juvia decided to walk by.
She rushed over, pushing Gray out of the way to stick her own face into the screen "is that who I think it is?" "Hi Juvia~" Lucy and Natsu chorused, both of them breaking off into giggles.

"How long has this been going on?!?" she demanded, in the middle of fighting over the screen with Gray. Lucy chuckled at their antics "um, since yesterday? I guess."

Natsu nodded, too busy nuzzling her hair to respond. "Uwahhh!! You two are so cute~!!" Juvia squealed, finally pushing Gray away from the screen, sitting on his back to claim her victory. You could hear Gray complaining and whining in the background as she gushed.

Lucy laughed at them before sucking in a breath when Natsu moved onto her neck, digging his face into it as he placed feather light kisses. "I- I'm gonna have to call you back" she breathed.

Juvia smiled knowingly, Gray's shout of "Woo!!! Get Some!!" being heard in the background. Lucy rolled her eyes, moving to turn off the call. Just before the call ended, she could hear Gray screaming "be safe! Use a condom!!!"

Lucy coloured, sending off a quick text of 'thanks mom', getting a 'practice safe sex!!!' in response. She rolled her eyes, clicking out of the chat, before tossing her phone onto the table by the couch.

She let out a high-pitched breathy moan as Natsu sucked on her skin lightly. "Natsu,.." she breathed, leaning her head to the side to give him more room. He hummed in response, nipping lightly at the expanse of skin.

She let out a needy whine "Natsu~" He chuckled "alright alright. You want me to stop?" he teased, slipping his hands under his sweatshirt she was wearing. Lucy whined again, this time in complaint, turning around to tug on his shirt.

"Okay, okay" he chuckled, kissing her softly. "You wanna go to my room?" She nodded quickly, pressing her lips to his again "honestly I'd let you take me here, put I don't want to scar Happy." He chuckled breathlessly against her lips.

He slipped his hands under her thighs, picking her up easily. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck, not pulling away from his lips for a second.

He carried her off to his bedroom, dropping her on the mattress, before locking the door behind him and crawling on top of her.

Suggestive ending,....hmm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you wanna see something just lemme know!!! It's just gonna be tooth-rotting fluff after this since I've reached the end of the plot idea. Just gonna be writing lots of fluff (smutt and angst possibly if you want it?) until I decide to end the fic
(might make next chapt the ending. Possibly an epilogue???)

Plz let me know what you think of the fic so far (and wat u want to see), your comments and votes mean a lot to me!!!!

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