Is that,....Mine?

589 35 14

Lucy sat with her knees pressed to her chest as she tried to get her breathing under control. She had realized that his hoodie was in the bathroom (he was in my shower!!!!), and had went to give it back, but then had to stop. In a second her face was hot as she took in the view in front of her. Soaked shirt, practically see-through, pressed against his skin outlining his chest, and chiselled abs, and,...

She dove back around the corner, pressing the hoodie against her mouth to not make a sound. And as she heard the door closed, she finally let out her breath, slipping down the wall. She was relieved she was alone, but also kind of sad.

Deep down she was hoping that maybe, maybe he would've followed after her, followed her and found her, and pull her back to him, claim that kiss. And it would have been the greatest she would have ever experienced, and maybe it wouldn't just be a press of the lips. Maybe he would hold her, and pull her closer, breathe her in, and it would be passionate, and-

Lucy cuts off her wandering mind with a shiver. If only. She sighed, glaring down at her phone. Whoever it was, why did they have to call at that exact moment? Out of all the other times? And why oh why hadn't she just ignored it and closed the distance? Then she wouldn't be sitting here wallowing in self-pity, but be in the arms of her longtime crush, would be lover.

As her phone goes off again, Lucy only groans, pushing the heel of her palms into her eyes as the noise goes on, and on, and on, and- She grabs it, snarling as she snaps it up to her ear "what?!" "Whoa, whoa, sorry." She sighs, closing her eyes as she flops back again "you better be." Gray scoffs on the other line "yea, ok. What happened?"

"You ruined my chances of getting my first kiss in FOREVER Gray. That's what happened" she wails. It's silent, before there's a quiet "oh". "Yeah 'oh" she rolls her eyes "thanks for that, again." It's quiet before Gray finally huffs "alright, I get it, I'm Sorry" a pause "with Natsu?"

She nods before realizing he can't see her and makes a small confirmation noise. He hums "well, I'm sure something will happen,...soon?" She sniffs at that "hopefully." They talk for a while longer before she finally realizes how nasty it is to be sitting there drenched in milk as it slowly dries. They say their goodbyes and she hangs up, walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

As she dries off and walks to her room to change, she realizes there's no clean hoodies left. She huffs before her eyes fall on the one Natsu left here earlier. The apartment is silent, and after a shiver runs through her, she whips it on over her tank-top without a second thought. He wouldn't mind,...right?

She would always steal her guy friends hoodies, but this feels,...different. In a good way. As she cleans up the mess in her kitchen, she can't help bringing it up to her nose and sniffing. It smells just like him, a hint of cologne, and she can feel herself melt with his scent wrapped around her. Is that creepy?

Once she finishes cleaning up, Natsu still isn't back so she decides to start working without him. Grabbing a granola (she didn't get a chance to finish breakfast!!), she plops down on a chair, pulling the laptop on her kitchen island towards herself.

She doesn't get too far when her mind starts to wander again. She groans, sliding down in her seat. Why didn't she take a picture? Not that she really needs it,...her mind supplies it right away. Wet pink hair being pushed back, the line of his jaw, see-through shirt outlining his toned muscles, grey sweatpants low on his hips,....

And then the strong muscles she had her hands placed on as he pulled her in with big strong biceps and forearms and large hands, and the golden fleck in his brown eyes, the pink lips opening slightly as he looked her over, the breath ghosting over her parted lips as her own breath caught, the pink dusting his cheeks as he nervously flicked his eyes from her mouth to her eyes-

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